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I'm seventy-nine-years-young and retired from two decades as a Royal Canadian Air Force pilot and Navy captain. After another three decades of creating and running a wine-importing company and enjoying the perks of being a wine writer and restaurant reviewer, I sailed off over the horizon, fulfilling my dream of rounding Cape Horn. I now live aboard Zonder Zorg, a restored 1908 Friesian skûtsje on the European canals, where I fill my time exploring the waterways and writing. After publishing four nonfiction books on boating, I've turned to fiction as I try to sort out what to do when I grow up.

For the Book Club, ZonderZorg has submitted his story Noble Intentions

Held captive in the aftermath of a devastating attack and facing being sold as slaves, two strangers comfort each other, and as affinity grows, they conspire to overpower their guards and regain freedom

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Held captive in the aftermath of a devastating attack and facing being sold as slaves, two strangers comfort each other, and as affinity grows, they conspire to overpower their guards and regain freedom.
Jarvis is the son of a seaman and Gillian is of noble birth, but ignoring class differences, their mutual respect becomes love.
This is a story of intense emotions and brilliant ingenuity set aboard a trading ship bound from the Caribbean to London early in the reign of King George.

Things to look for when reviewing my story:

General comments and critiques. Thoughts on flow, pacing and character development.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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