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Happily married, 2 kids, love to write.

For the Book Club, sMayer11 has submitted his story Crimson & Clover

For the Book Club, sMayer11 has submitted his story Crimson & Clover

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Have you ever wondered why you're haunted by random thoughts? Maybe, just maybe they aren't random. "Why me? That is my question to whoever is up there pulling the strings...why me? " This was the question that tormented Adam Baker as he sat in his car on the side of the road contemplating the ultimate sacrifice, taking his own life. Two simple words, why me.

Adam Baker's struggles were the result of his past actions, misdeeds that his mind never let him forget. The only problem was that they weren't actions he remembered being a part of. It was as if they were someone else's memories with Adam suffering their karmic debt. Stranger still was that those memories were from a time before Adam was even born. We start back in 1968 where it all began. Crimson & Clover is Adam's story.

Things to look out for when reviewing my story

Is the story interesting. Does it maintain the readers interest. Is it well written.


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