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Oh, I? You want to know about me?

*scratches his head*

I'm originally a physicist, but my current job involves a lot of writing—boring, technical writing, that is. When I first blundered into Wattpad to stalk my daughter (with her permission), I had no idea that I'd ever want to do stories. But then it just happened: I got the virus.

I was around when  saw the light of day, and it made me happy to find a community of seasoned folks here: the type of people who know that grownups dream, crave, love, and struggle just like any teen.

When it comes to writing and critiquing, I'm a stickler for grammar and other formalities, and I totally don't mind if others tell me where I go wrong. But, on the other hand, I'm convinced that plot, story structure, and characters are much more important, and I love to analyze/hear what works and what doesn't in a book—it's a great way to learn the craft.

For the book club, Rainer submitted his story The Craving - Marooned.

After a plane crash, Megan is marooned with a group of survivors on an uninhabited island in the Pacific

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After a plane crash, Megan is marooned with a group of survivors on an uninhabited island in the Pacific. They find a dead man's body, and the next day it's gone. And then someone of their group disappears, too.

They realize that there's something with them. Something that might be lethal.

Things to look out for while reviewing my story:
Since the book club seems to concentrate on the opening chapters, I'd be particularly interested in getting feedback on how they work: What would make a reader put the book away and what would make them continue?


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