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messages, october 2022

chris 😊

ky i wasn't kidding. im covering over to hear your song


i can send u it dw


i miss u i need to see u


insta would eat this up..


im being fr. see u in 15

real life

kylie smiled at her phone and quickly threw some clothes on. the excitement that filled her knowing chris would be over soon. he would be the first to hear her new song, this was a new level of vulnerability. a new level of trust she had for chris.

when she closed her eyes at night, all she could think about was the boys face. the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, and the way his eyes brightly lit up every time he talks about something he loves.

maybe chris really felt the same way, maybe not. as she began to worry, there was a knock at the door. she quickly went up to answer it.

there he stood, so perfect with his smile. cheekily holding a large bouquet of flowers. the boy was a man of his word, and this was now the third bouquet she received.

"hi. i brought you flowers. they reminded me of you." he said, almost out of breathe.

"i owe you payment for all these flowers. maybe you'll accept a song?"

"depends, it's about me?" he giggled as he followed her inside.

kylie made her way over to her couch and picked up her guitar. chris sat next to her, turning all his attention to the girl, his eyes filled with admiration.

"this is called enchanted, you are the first person to hear this. be nice

there i was again tonight
forcing laughter, faking smiles
same old tired, lonely place
walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
vanished when i saw your face
all I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you

the girl continued to strum her guitar, chris stared at her.

your eyes whispered, "have we met?"

'cross the room your silhouette

starts to make its way to me
the playful conversation starts
counter all your quick remarks
like passing notes in secrecy
and it was enchanting to meet you
all I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you

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