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real life, may 2023


"hi" the boy smiled, seeing the tired looking girl.

"look, the flowers are in my room now. thank you for them chris."

"i'd grow a garden for you. you look tired, why not go to bed?"

"well i promised to call you tonight and i wanted to hear your voice. it helps me sleep." she paused for a moment, "with your boring stories," she started to laugh as chris raised an eyebrow.

"i can't even get mad at you. i just am so happy to be able to see you. it sucks being separated when we just got each other back."

"i think the distance is good. i mean, i forgave you. but i think me going away kind of has helped to relieve the awkwardness of reuniting and things feel normal."

"i mean yeah, i just wish we could hang out."

"i play la in like 4 months. t-4months!" she frowned as she realized how long that was, "i feel guilty saying i have felt a little sad. but it's so hard to be away from everyone. but at least ihave a phone. god, if this was 50 years ago, what would i do? send a letter?"

chris laughed at the girls comment. "it sucks this tour is sold out, but we're trying to get LA tickets."

"i found out, i get 2 tickets for family and such. so fight with everyone, and boom."

"i think nick and eli would kill me if i saw you without them. i guess we'll have to wait until august."



"can you tell me a story? from when we weren't speaking."

"i thought they were boring." he laughed as he picked through his memories. 

eventually she drifted off to sleep listening to his voice.

notchris posted to his story

notchris posted to his story

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