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real life, February 2023

"ava, what the fuck was that?" nick said as she entered the home of the triplet's.

"i don't get what was so wrong about it? your pyscho fans are so obsessed with kylie, they don't chris wants me. i mean he did choose me." the blonde said, as matt rolled his eyes.

"ava can you just, like not act jealous for ten fucking minutes?" nick was started to loose his cool, just as chris walked in.

"look ava, my brothers just want you to be nicer to the fans, they're getting a negative taste about you. and since you're coming on tour-"

"hold up, she's coming? like on the buses?" matt contributed quickly.

"yes matthew, chrissy invited me. he loves me. don't you chris?"

"i mean, i want you there. and your fan interactions have been shit so.." chris trailed off.

ava paused for a moment, noticing how chris changed the conversation. did he not love her?

"this is about that other bitch. what a cunt... i'm sorry she's in love with you and the fans are rooting for you, but stop giving her so much power. i mean boohoo her sob story, like chris-"

nick jumped up, now fuming, "no you did not. no you fucking did not. what kind of psychopathic bitch are you?"

"don't call me a bitch. sorry you're so far up kylie's ass. maybe if she didn't slut around so much-"

"get out." chris said, not looking up, "you don't know anything about kylie and you are tarnishing her. get out, we're done. i can't be with someone so self absorbed."

"chris can w-"

"get out of my house." was all chris said before he left the room.

social media, march 2023



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