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real life, july 2023




my girl💖

im fine

why wouldn't i be


i know you

you let things bother u

even if you dont think it does

my girl💖


is this abt ava's comment?


its about everything

the hate you've been getting, ava, jayden coming back. i know its a lot

my girl💖

its whatever


no its not

you are better than them. you are perfect. okay? don't let anything anyone says make you start doubting yourself. you deserve everything you have worked for. so for a moment, just take a deep breathe. i know you're probably packing your hotel room up, so just take a moment. look in the mirror and look at the beautiful girl who is so loved.

my girl💖

i really can not hide anything from you



my girl💖

i miss you


i know

i miss you too

but you come back to la so soon

my girl💖

i know

i leave for the airport in 3 hours

im like basically packed 

i can't believe tour is coming to a close


on to even better things my popstar

with that, kylie stood up, looking around her hotel room. she made sure to grab the 50 different napkins with random lyrics she had scribbled down each night.  she had the time of her life over the past few months, and could not wait to play 4 more shows in a city with all her friends.

they all had tickets for the final show, and would be there to support her.  the city where she had such a complicated story. this would be the final stop on tour, allowing a quick return back to normal life.

although nothing could ever feel normal again. after the amount of support she gained over tour, she would never feel normal. the imposter syndrome was something she was learning to live with. the brand deals she had been racking up. but kylie wanted to keep her music authentic. she didn't want any agency telling her what songs to write or how to produce them. music was a reflection of who kylie was, and that's why she wrote so much.

without music, she would be a mess. the complicated and messy reality of life would weigh on her, and that is why the napkins sprawled across her room were filled. the complexity of being apart from her new boyfriend was tough, and so was all the hate she was getting. 

life was complex, and so was her music.

as her departure time approached, she made her way into the hotel lobby with all her luggage. she got into the black suv, and waited to arrive at the airport. once boarded, she took out her phone. 

my girl 💖

see u soon


so much filler bc i dont want it to end

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