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real life, imessage, instagram


ADDISON woke up due to being really hot, not even realizing that she was in chris's arms. when she did realize it she immediately shoved him off of her

"what was that for" addison hears from behind her

"chris it's too hot in here" addison complains

"go turn down the temperature then" chris says

"ok" addison says before completely getting up to go change it

chris then started to feel more cold as he didn't have addison there

"addi come back" chris says complaining

"i was already planning on doing that." shes says stubbornly

she then lays down again and puts the covers over her and chris snakes his arm around her

"chris it's still too hot" addison complains for the second time

"live with it" chris responds holding her tighter

she then starts to hear light snores as he drifts back to sleep

chris wakes up to the sunlight in his eyes and with addison still in his arms

he then gets his phone and starts to mindlessly scroll on tiktok

"turn that down" addison says to chris in her tired voice

"or what" chris responds

"i won't play roblox with you" addison says threatening him

"we both know you like roblox more then me addi"

"turn it down" she says more annoyed

"no" chris responds shortly

"please chris i'm trying to sleep" addison says

"okay fine" he says giving in

"well now i'm not even tired anymore" she says now clearly in a bad mood

addison then gets up because she smells food

chris then follows after her

addison then walks into the kitchen and sees matt cooking bacon her favorite

"bacon!" she says jumping up and down

"go sit down addison" matt says clearly tired as it is 10am

addison then goes to nick and leans over his shoulder to see what he's doing on his phone

"i can't believe your happy over a piece of bacon addi" chris says

"shut up" addison reply's going on her phone


addison : addi
chris : twin
matt : dry mf
nick : the only reasonable triplet
jayla : jay 🎀🤞😊
oliver : 🫒

do you guys wanna hangout today🥺🥺🥺

the only reasonable triplet
never use that emoji again

𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 - chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now