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"addi i bet nate was just making chris hangout with them it's gonna be okay" oliver says, jayla then smacks him of what he said and then jayla says "what oliver means is that chris still has a crush on you don't worry"

"we don't like eachother" addison snaps at the duo then oliver says "you sure about th-" before jayla smacks him again

they arrive at leanna's house and matt honks his horn for as long as it takes chris to walk out the door

chris opens the back door and sees the seat he always sits in is taken next to addison

"move nick i wanna sit next to addi" chris says "no i was here first" nick says like a child but also knowing addison doesn't wanna speak to chris at the moment

"fine" chris says like a toddler going to the passenger seat "what a baby" oliver says and jayla snickers

once they got back to the triplets addison wasn't talking to anyone not even chris and randomly she got up

she left out the front door, chris was the only one who noticed. so what did he do? he followed her

he recognized the route easily to notice addison was going home

he wasn't gonna let her go home

it looks like it was a little too late for that because he saw her walk into her home and he noticed one car but he didn't know who's it was.

addison walked into her house already knowing what was gonna happen, her dad was home.

addison hurriedly runs up the stairs hoping her dad doesn't hear her

she then gets in her bed and goes on her phone trying to get rid of her overthinking

chris walks into addisons house seeing addisons dad standing in the hallway

"your not supposed to be here." addisons dad says walking towards chris "i'm sorry mr. jones but i'm just checking up on addi" chris says watching addisons dad get closer to him

"your gonna regret this buddy" addisons dad yells shoving chris "what the fuck did i do?" chris says walking back to addison dad

"don't go near my daughter." addisons dad yells swinging at chris

addison hears yelling coming from downstairs and can't help but be curious to see what it's all about

she walks downstairs and sees her dad punching her best friend.

"DAD" addison screams taking him off of chris

addison dad then turns around and starts swinging at addison 10x harder then he did at chris

addison screams in pain as she keeps getting hit over and over by her own father.

chris gets up seeing the horror of what's happening right infront of him

"get off of addison!" chris says trying to get her dad off of her, addisons dad doesn't even react to chris and continues taking all of his anger out on his daughter

addison becomes non responsive as chris is trying his best to get her own father off of her "GET OFF OF HER" chris yells so loud that it echoes through the house

addison dad finally gets off of addison and turns around to chris with a straight face

"get her out of my house." addisons dad says walking into the kitchen without another word.

chris has tears running down his face seeing his girl. his best friend. his first love in this condition

"gladly will" chris says taking addison limp body in his arms and getting matt on the phone

"matt" chris's voice breaks "where did you gu- are you okay?" matt says noticing that chris is crying "take me to the hospital now" chris says struggling to say one sentance

"on my way, where are you?" matt asks getting off the couch with all of his friends following him "addisons, please hurry" chris says crying more then he ever has

chris hangs up the phone with addison still in his arms clinging onto her for dear life hoping she is alive.

chris sees car lights pull into the driveway 2 minutes later and he gets into the car in a hurry

"OH MY GOSH IS SHE DEAD" oliver screams seeing the condition she is in "i really hope not" chris says his voice breaking again

"chris what happened?" nick says in a panic "her dad was home and i didn't know so i walked in after her since she randomly stormed off, and then her dad was in the hallway and saw me walk in a swung like two punches at me and then addison went down the stairs and saw and he turned around and swung like 10x harder at her and just wouldn't stop" chris says still crying clinging onto addisons body

"i'm calling the police on addisons dad" jayla says

once they get to the hospital they are all in the waiting room since none of them are family.

everyone is asleep on each other while chris looks like a wreck, his eyes are puffy, with bloodshot eyes, a purple eye bruising, and messy hair.

"sir do you know the name addison jones?" a nurse asks chris "yes, why." chris says not even looking at the nurse he's so drained

"you need to come with me." the nurse says walking down a hallway with chris following after her


hey guys cliffhanger👅👅👅

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