4 ❦

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as they were pulling out of addisons driveway jayla realized that addison left her hoodie in the car

"wait addison left her hoodie i'll go run it in" jayla says climbing to the front if the car "okay be fast" matt says

as addison was backing away from her father he all of the sudden charged at her swinging a punch to the eye and pinning her against the door while choking her

"dad please" addison says "addison where have you been" her dad says his grip on her growing tighter

all of the sudden addison looses consciousness and passes out

her dad still is choking her

jayla walks into the door stopping her tracks seeing addisons dad

she quietly walks over and kicks him so he drops addison "addi!" she says

"get out of my house or i'm calling the police" addisons dad warns "you were kicked out 7 months ago why are you here" jayla says just then jayla spots a vase to her left and grabs it and chucks it at addisons dad

she then picks up addison then runs outside

"gummy bears or worms" chris says to oliver nick and matt "worms i like the sour ones" nick says to chris

" guys what's taking jayla so long"  matt says

"she's probably just talking to addison" chris says
"OH MY GOSH LOOK" nick says screaming looking at jayla holding addison unconscious "ADDISON" chris says getting out of the car in a hurry

chris then takes addison from jayla and hops in the backseat

"what is happening!" oliver says panicked "addisons dad is back and was choking her when i walked in" jayla says out of breath

"DRIVE MATT" nick says screaming "okay! okay!"
as matt is driving away chris is shaking addison to wake up but also examining her to look at her bruises

there's one around her neck and it's very evident and there is one around her eye that's starting to swell more

"where do we go the hospital??!!" matt says "no just take her to our house" chris says "are you sure she looks like she's dead" nick says with a voice crack "i know if she does wake up she would wanna be somewhere she is safe" chris says looking at nick

"awww lov-" oliver gets cut off by nick "now is not the time oliver" he says looking at oliver "if i go serious i'm gonna be going in a death piling depression so hashtag let's stay positive yass" oliver says "your so gay" nick says

"says you puppy" matt says "puppy is insane" jayla says looking at matt

as they got back to the house chris told jayla to go change addison into one of his hoodies and sweats, as that was happening chris's blood was boiling thinking of what if she never left her jacket

jayla then after changing addison set her down on chris's bed and put her under the covers and shut off the lights and door while she was walking out

as she was walking down the stairs she could hear chris talking to himself

she peeks into the room to see a frustrated chris and nick and oliver engaged into a conversation

"hey guys" jayla says as she sits beside nick "has addi woken up yet" chris says looking at jayla "no, unless she just did. i put her on your bed" jayla says responding

"okay then i'm gonna head up there and whenever she wakes up we should get her something to eat" chris says getting up "i agree" oliver and nick say in unison

chris then heads up the stairs and into his room opening up the door and seeing addison in this condition just hardens his heart

that's his girl who he couldn't protect.

chris had been scrolling on tiktok for about 30 minutes now when he feels addison shifting on his chest

"addi?" chris says "yeah" she answers with a scratchy voice "your awake!" chris says now putting his full focus on his bestfriend

"let's go get something to eat" he says taking her hand and picking her up

"not hungry" she says hiding her face in the crook of his neck "addison you haven't aten in 4 hours you need something you barely ate at in n out" chris says

"fine let's go" she says putting her head more snuggled into him

chris walks down the stairs to see everyone watching a movie "guys let's go eat" chris says "ADDISON YOU ARE AWAKE" oliver gets up shouting "shut up oliver" chris says

"ok i'll drive" matt says getting up to put on his shoes

chris still has addi in his arms in the car he just can't seem to let her go

"where do you want to eat" chris says looking at the girl "mcdonald's" she answers quickly "ADDISON YOU ARE MY DAWG" jayla screams

chris could feel addison laugh but he couldn't hear it

this is breaking his heart

"what do you want from mcdonald's addi chris says"

"chicken nuggets with sweet and sour" she reply's quickly "atta girl" chris says smiling at her

as they all get their food they are trying to decide where they wanna go next

"can we all have a sleepover" addison says out of the blue "YES PLEASE" jayla, nick, and oliver all say at the same time "of course" chris says

as they got back to the triplets everyone got settled in on the couch

it where they all go during their sleepovers

ok yass new chapter it's grind time guys gang fellas 😈😈😈😈🤠🤠

𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 - chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now