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addison woke up in someone's arms, of course it was chris

"when did i get here" addison says rolling out of chris's arms

"awkward..." chris says scratching his head, addison couldn't help but let out a soft laugh

just then chris looked down and saw all of the bruises that addisons dad gave her

"OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED"  chris shouts lifting up addisons arm to get a closer look

"oh" is all addison could get out "oh? what do you mean addi who did this to you" chris says looking up at her

"my dad" addison says avoiding eye contact "why didn't you call me or text me?" chris says his eyes full of hurt

"i did" she says looking at him "what?" chris says picking up his phone to see all of addisons missed calls

"i'm so sorry addison" i don't know how i didn't notice "it's fine" addison says with a straight face

"can i go home" addison says "addi no." chris says still worried for her

"i need to get my stuff" she states looking at her best friend again "then i'm coming in with you" chris says
"but i don't want him to hurt you" addison says worried

"addison it's either i come in with you or you don't go in at all" chris says

"fine" she says

they got to addisons and no one was home so she hurriedly ran to her room and grabbed clothes, hygiene, shoes, and her makeup.

"okay let's go" she says grabbing the bag and running down the stairs "okay coming" chris shouts a little behind her

luckily they made it out safe and got back to chris's

later they invited everyone over to hangout

later they invited everyone over to hangout

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jackson.jenkins replied to your story!


haha maybe another day

why not rn?

it's just me and my close friends sorry jackson

alr, but if i pull up expect a surprise


"guys jackson is saying he might leave a surprise?" addison says looking over the chats again

"what why?" chris says looking at addison

"i posted a picture of oliver in that dress on my story" addison says giggling looking to oliver "ADDISON JONES TAKE THAT DOWN NOW" oliver says walking up to addison swinging his hand to hit the girl but before chris caught his hand

𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 - chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now