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it was another day. but addison wasn't in chris's arms she was in his bed, alone?

she walked downstairs to see matt, nick, jayla and oliver all in the kitchen

"look who woke up" nick says looking up to addison

"where's chris?" addison asks "hanging out with friends" matt answers "oh" addison says sitting next to jayla

chris was at this girl named leanna's house, his friend nate was there so he went as well. leanna was popular just a popular girl in their school, he had no interest in her.

"what should we do" leanna says "truth or dare" her friend tara says

"okay, chris truth or dare?" leanna says looking at chris "dare" he says not interested "i dare you to post a picture of me and you and act like we are dating" leanna says giggling

"that's a lame dare" chris says "what are you too scared or something?" tara says looking at chris

"no" chris responds

"uh addi look what chris just posted to his story" jayla says

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"uh addi look what chris just posted to his story" jayla says

"what the flip" addison says taking jaylas phone "did chris get a girlfriend?" addison says to nick and matt

"no why?" they say in unison "look at chris's story" addison says

"uh i didn't know he was gonna hangout with leanna??" matt said

"i know he said that he was going to nate's" nick said looking up at addi to see a frown on her face

"wanna go get ice cream??" matt says looking at addi

"sure" addison says

chris was getting bored at leanna's and just wanted to hang out with his own friends

he went on his phone to see his friends were all in the same location at an ice cream shop

chris then whispers to nate "wanna leave?" nate looks at chris and nods

"sorry guys we need to go but it was fun" nate says getting up

chris then calls matt to go pick them up

"oh okay" leanna says looking up at chris "help me up" she says sticking out her hand

chris rolls his eyes and takes her hand helping the girl up

"we have to go pick chris up guys" matt says looking addison specifically

addison doesn't respond and goes to the car and sits in very back

everyone eventually takes up all of the seats and that leaves the passenger seat open for chris

sorry for the short chap but felt like posting it

𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 - chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now