6 ❦

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addison needed to go home, she had no clothes and she feels everyone is sick of her.

"i'm gonna go home chris" she says looking to her best friend

"addison, what?? it's too dangerous" chris says with a concerned look "i know but i overstayed my welcome and you all seem sick of me and i need my clothes chris" addison says looking to chris

"fine whatever but text me once your inside" chris says not in the mood to fight his best friend.

addison was dropped off at home and right as she was inside she got in the shower

she forgot to text chris

she got into some sweatpants and a tank top and decided to go downstairs


Addi are you inside?
Are you good?

oh my i'm so sorry chris
i was in the shower
i'm safe
i'm sorry

Oh my gosh addi
You scared me so bad
Am I good to hang with some friends?


addison went up to go make toast and hot cocoa until she heard the front door open

she heard a man sigh and she immediately knew it was her father

she booked it into her room and dialed chris's number

no answer.

so she calls again

no answer again

she called chris at least 10 times and still no answer.

she decided to call matt

"hello?" she hears from the other side of the phone "addi it's nearly midnight why are you calling"

"my dad is home" she says with a shaky breath and a whisper

"i'm on my way" matt says as addison can hear keys jingling and a door opening

addison then quietly as she could put on her shoes and ran downstairs

what she didn't know was her dad was in the hallway

"look who is home" addison flinches at hearing her fathers voice and slowly turns around

"dad your not supposed to be here" addison says shakily

her father then starts to take steps closer to her

TW TW TW TW TW TW ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

addisons dad then swings his fist to her cheek and another to her arm

addison decides to fight back

"stop dad your hurting me" addison says fighting and kicking her own father

"addisonnnnnnnn" he says as he's drunk

he is continuing to swing punches at her and it's gonna leave evident bruising in the morning

                                          dry mf

dry mf
I'm outside
I'm coming in

matt opens the door to see lottie getting shoved against a wall

"stop dad" she yells as she is in pain

matt looks around and finds nothing so he opens the door and runs and shoves addisons dad and then takes addisons hand

he makes a run for it and slams the door behind addison

"get in the car addi" he says trying to find something to defend them if addison dad gets outside.

he finds a metal bar and runs to the car

right as he's trying to drive away her dad comes running out

"go go go" addison says scared for her life

thankfully mattt backs out of the driveway in enough time and the speed outs of the neighborhood

addison was then taken to the triplets house and they invited oliver and jayla over and nick also hung out with them

just as they are getting ready for bed addison is getting set up on the couch she hears the front door open

chris is walking up the steps with a pepsi in hand and on his phone

he doesn't notice addison

it was the middle of the night and addison couldn't sleep, her whole body was aching and she needed her boy by her side but she didn't want to bother him

she went to the bathroom to look at her bruises and use the restroom ofc

as she walked out chris was going down to the kitchen

she ran into chris

"sorry" she says then walking to the living room "addi?? what are you doing here?" chris says completely oblivious to all of her bruises

"oh uh matt came and got me because my dad came back but were hood i'm just sleeping on your couch if that's fine" addison says pointing to the couch

"you don't wanna sleep in my room?" chris asks "no it's fine jayla and oliver are out here too" shes says scratching her head

"okay just come up if you change your mind" chris says giving her a light smile

addison was kinda mad at chris for not even noticing her calls

she just decided she was gonna sleep


idk if any of this makes sense since i've gotten one hit of sleep but yassssss

𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 - chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now