10 ❦

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chris walks into addisons room hearing a monitor beeping and seeing her breathing

"so we don't know how long it will take her to wake up but, she's alive and will be able to leave the hospital shortly after she wakes up." the nurse says to chris "thank you." chris says smiling in what feels like forever

"can i please wait in here?" chris says urging to be by his bestfriend again "yes, since she's now breathing." the nurse says walking out

chris turns to addison seeing her with her eyes closed in a hospital gown, his heart aches at the sight of her

it's been three hours and chris has fallen asleep on the couch of the hospital room, little did he know addison woke up

he finally wakes up to see addison looking around the room

"addi" chris says getting up to look at her closer
"hi chris" she says softly laughing and with droopy eyes

"how do you feel" he says now closer to her grabbing her hand "well as you can see i'm not in the best condition" she giggles

chris loves the sound of her laugh, after she went through all of that.

"i love you" chris says hugging her "i love you too chris" addison says struggling to hug him back from the condition she's in

once addison was released from the hospital she was escorted out to the car in a wheel chair and chris helped her in the car

"addison do you want any food?" matt asks as they are getting close to in n out her favorite fast food place

"no i'm okay thank you though matt." addison says as she feels sick.

once they got to the sturniolos addison was so tired she couldn't even think straight so she was just listening to chris ramble about the most random things

chris was aswell tired but he didn't know if addison wanted to sleep or not so he just started talking to her about anything that came to mind

that was until he saw her slowly closing her eyes

"let's get you to bed yeah?" chris says giving her a piggyback ride as addison nods slowly too tired to speak

as they get to chris's room he lays addison on his bed while he settles for his couch since he didn't know if addison wanted him to sleep with her

until addison was trying to make out a sentance to get him to come sleep with her

"chris" she says with a really raspy low voice "yes addi?" he looks at her noticing a hand trying to grab something

"do you need water?" she shakes her head "do you need something to help you sleep?" she nods her head "like what?" he asks then her hand points to him signifying him

"me? do you want me to lay down with you?" chris asks looking at addison for a response which she quickly delivers with a nod

chris smiles and takes no chances laying down with addison quickly finding a place on her waist bringing her close to him

it may be 3 PM and they might ruin their sleep schedule but who cares

they quickly fall asleep and the group wanted to twitch stream so they walk into chris's room to see them cuddling

"back up guys they both got no sleep" nick says scooting them back and quietly closing the door

"technically addi got sleep did she not?" oliver says "you dumb fuck she was passed out i don't know but she was exhausted the ride home" nick says


short chap but i'm trying to think of how to start this angst😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪

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