Chapter Eleven

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A/n: so I'm going to start editing & i realize it's confusing how nicko and liz were celebrating that there wasn't a child and suddenly there was one but i forgot to put in the point of view for when they had a doctor's appointment and the doctor told them he miscalculated. more updates to come if you want. let me know.

*Julian's Point of View
As Maddie stormed out and Fab ran Ayer her I noticed many people were staring.

I cleared my throat, pushed up my glasses, and walked back over to the table where everyone was sitting and took a seat.

There was only Albert at the table, who was very quiet for once in his life.

"Uh..." I began.

"Why would you do this to her, Jules? After all she's been through, after all she's done for you and the band." Albert mumbled, shaking his head.

"I-I know, I just wasn't happy, I thought you of all people would understand." I said, putting my head in my hands.

Albert looked up at me quickly.

"What would I know about that?" he asked quietly.

"With what happened with you and Leah" I whispered.

Albert chuckled softly and look me in my eyes.

"But that's the difference between you and I, Julian. When I didn't have feelings for Leah anymore I told her I didn't cheat on her." Albert said, shortly.

"I did tell her." I said, quickly.

"Because you got caught, asshole!" he slammed his hand on the table just as Elle walked up, trying to balance all of the food in her arms.

Albert immediately stood to help her carefully set down the food.

"Sorry I took so long, I kinda tripped and-" Elle stopped when she noticed the missing people.

"Where did everyone go?" she turned to Albert.

I suddenly stood from the table. I had heard enough.

Dropping a 100 on the table, I hurriedly rushed out of the breakfast place.

Maddie, Maddie, Maddie was all that I could think of and I wanted it to stop.

So I turned and went into the nearest liquor store. To forget.


*Fab's POV
"M-Mads, please slow down!" I pleaded, panting and running after the broken girl.

She eventually stopped and turned to me, slowly walking towards me.

"Maddie, I'm so sor-"

Before I could finish she placed a hard slap to my right cheek and I stumbled back.

"I know why you told me. Not because you cared, you just wanted to humiliate Julian." she yelled.

I regained by balance and reached towards her; she briskly turned away & I tried not to display the hurt I felt.

"Madison I love you. I didn't wanna see you get hurt-"

"No, just shut up!" she screamed and I quickly obeyed.

"I can't ever love you, Fab." she said, her tear-filled eyes locking with my hurt ones.

I don't know what I expected.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't respond because I didn't know how.

Her words continued to haunt me as I turned on my heel and walked away.

*Nickolai's Point of View (oh shit)
I watched as she stormed away and slumped against the wall.

"I'm sorry, baby." I said to myself.

Failure, failure, failure.

Her words hurt so much because I loved her. But I knew that I didn't want a kid.

The front door opened as Julian stumbled in with three paper bags.

Oh no.

"Jul-" I began and he raised a hand to stop me from talking.

He proceeded to set the bags on the table and pulled out two beers, throwing one to me which I caught.

"Maddie's gone." he said quietly as he opened the cap on his bottle.

"W-what? What happened?" I asked but I knew the answer.

"You know why." he said, reading my mind and taking off his glasses.

"I know." I said and sat down next to him on the red couch.

There was an awkward silence as we drank out sorrows away, both of us knowing that we fucked up.

"Fabrizio loves her." I blurted out and glanced at Julian to see his reaction.

"That's too bad. Because Maddie loves me. But I'm not in love with her." he said.

"You fucked up." I commented, amused.

"So did you. You made Liz feel unwanted. It's obvious that you love her but not the baby." he said.

"But-- if I tell her that honestly, she-she'll leave me." I replied, voice breaking at the end.

Julian shrugged nonchalantly.

"You can't stay because you feel obligated to."

I nodded and set the beer down.

"You have to leave Maddie for real." I said quietly.

He stayed silent for what seemed like forever.

"I know."
thank u so much for almost 2.3k reads, sorry i've been inactive.

if u want more updates, comment.

also if u could please follow my 5sos acc & give my fanfic "Lucky" a read, that would be great! (@simplycahlum)

love u all if u have questions or suggestions (be polite or i block) , inbox me


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