Aventurine x M!reader | Orange Juice

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Aventurine and Y/N were best friends who always found unique ways to celebrate special occasions. Today happened to be Y/N's birthday, and Aventurine wanted to make sure it was a day filled with laughter and memorable moments.

In the cozy confines of Y/N's room, which was adorned with posters of his favorite bands and TV shows, the two friends decided to play a silly drinking game. But instead of alcoholic beverages, they opted for orange juice, knowing that it would make for a healthier and equally enjoyable experience.

Aventurine grinned mischievously as he suggested, "Hey, how about we settle this like true champions? Rock, paper, scissors. Loser has to roll the die and face the consequences written on it!"

Y/N chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Sounds like a plan! Let's see who's luckier today."
They sat cross-legged on the floor, a carton of orange juice for each of them. They raised their fists, ready to face off in this crucial game of rock, paper, scissors. Aventurine threw a rock, while Y/N countered with paper.

"Yes! I won!" Y/N exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

Aventurine picked up the die with a playful smile. Each face of the die had a different prompt written on it, ranging from "Take three big sips" to "Drink with your eyes closed." The two friends knew this was going to be an entertaining challenge.

Rolling the die, Aventurine watched as it tumbled on the floor, finally revealing his fate. It landed on the face that read, "Drink while doing a funny dance."

Aventurine couldn't hide his laughter as he jumped to his feet, striking bizarre dance moves while simultaneously chugging down orange juice from the carton. Y/N couldn't help but join in the laughter, cheering Aventurine on with applause.

After a few more rounds, it was evident that Aventurine was losing, his carton of orange juice depleting quicker than Y/N's. Determined to turn the tables, Aventurine rolled the die once again, hoping for a favorable outcome.

This time, fate favored him as the die landed on the face that read, "Drink with your non-dominant hand."

Y/N watched closely as Aventurine switched the carton to his left hand, a look of concentration etched on his face. Aventurine's normally dexterous self struggled as he attempted to drink smoothly, causing both of them to burst into laughter.

Time ticked away, and both friends guzzled down increasingly larger gulps of orange juice. But it was Y/N who managed to finish their carton first, victoriously raising it in the air. "Oh no! I lost!" Aventurine exclaimed, feigning disappointment as he faked a pout.

Y/N laughed, crawling over to Aventurine, wrapping their arms around him in a tight embrace. "Winner or loser, I'm just happy to be spending my birthday with you, Aventurine." Aventurine looked into Y/N's eyes, his expression softening. "And I couldn't imagine spending this special day with anyone else."

Their laughter faded, replaced by a comfortable silence as they resumed their cuddling, cherishing the warmth of their friendship. And as they nestled against each other, they knew that their bond would continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

As the evening turned into night, Aventurine and Y/N fell asleep, feeling grateful for the wonderful moments they had shared on Y/N's birthday. Little did they know, this game of orange juice and laughter had only just marked the beginning of many more adventures to come.

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