Ratio x GN!Reader | Package

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Dr. Ratio, the renowned scientist and member of the Intelligentsia Guild, had always been known for his meticulous nature. Everything he did had a purpose, every step carefully calculated. But deep down, he had a secret. A secret rooted in his fascination for someone named y/n.

Y/n was a mysterious individual who frequented the same coffee shop Dr. Ratio visited every morning. Whether it was the way they carried themselves or the sparkle in their eyes, something about y/n captivated Dr. Ratio. He desperately wanted to know more about them. However, approaching y/n out of the blue wasn't something the esteemed scientist felt comfortable doing.

So, he devised a plan. Driven by his love for details, he created an entire Google Form survey under the guise of an official Intelligentsia Guild research project. This survey, he believed, would be the perfect excuse to interact with y/n without raising suspicion.

Day and night, Dr. Ratio meticulously crafted the questions, making sure to cover a wide range of topics. Once completed, he stepped back and admired his work. The survey appeared professional, well-designed, and completely legitimate. But hidden within its digital structure was a single question that held the key to y/n's heart: "What is your favorite color?"

With a mischievous smile on his face, Dr. Ratio sent the survey link to y/n, pretending to be annoyed as he muttered about the countless hours he had spent on this supposedly crucial task. He hoped y/n would never suspect his true intentions.

Days turned into weeks, and the initial excitement of the survey faded. Dr. Ratio began to fear that his plan had failed, that y/n had seen through his ruse. But just as he was about to give up, a knock on y/n's door startled them.

Expecting nothing more than the usual mail or a package, y/n opened the door to find a delivery person holding a large box. Confused, they signed for the package and brought it inside. As they unwrapped the layers, their excitement grew.

Inside was a collection of the softest sweaters imaginable, all in y/n's favorite color. Each one was carefully chosen, tailored to their size as if they had been made exclusively for them. Alongside the sweaters lay a handwritten note.

Y/n's heart raced as they read the note, signed by none other than Dr. Ratio. It revealed his secret admiration and explained the true purpose of the survey. Dr. Ratio poured his heart out, expressing his fascination and desire to get to know y/n better. With each word, he bared his soul, hoping that y/n would understand his intentions.

Overwhelmed with emotions, y/n couldn't help but smile. They felt a warm connection to Dr. Ratio, grateful for his thoughtfulness and the effort he had put into crafting this heartfelt gesture. It was a moment filled with both surprise and pure joy.

And so, the story of Dr. Ratio and y/n continued. Their bond grew stronger, fueled by the thread that had been woven between them. From that moment on, the Intelligentsia Guild's survey will forever be remembered as the catalyst for a beautiful relationship, born out of clever disguise, genuine affection, and the power of a favorite color.

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