jing yuan x reader | hidden moments of youth

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Jing yuan x gn! Reader

Requested by SebastianEloy
Hidden Moments of Youth


The sprawling campus of Xianzhou High School was a place where dreams were nurtured and friendships were forged. Among the bustling hallways and vibrant classrooms, your secret romance with Jing Yuan, the charismatic and ever-popular student council president, blossomed in the shadows. As seniors, you were both balancing the pressures of impending graduation with the desire to make the most of your final year.

You were sitting in the library, engrossed in your textbooks, when a shadow fell over your table. Looking up, you found Jing Yuan, his ever-present smile making your heart skip a beat.

"Y/N," he said, his voice smooth and warm. "Mind if I join you?"

You nodded, gesturing to the seat across from you. "Of course, Jing Yuan."

He slid into the seat, his presence immediately making the quiet library feel more intimate. "I was thinking," he began, lowering his voice so only you could hear, "we need to find some time for ourselves. Away from prying eyes."

You raised an eyebrow, intrigued and amused. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

"A secret trip. Just the two of us. No responsibilities, no interruptions. What do you think?"

Your heart fluttered at the thought. "When do we leave?"

The days leading up to your secret trip were filled with excitement. Jing Yuan, ever the planner, had thought of everything. The route, the activities, and most importantly, how to avoid being seen.

On the morning of your departure, you met Jing Yuan at the edge of campus, where he was waiting with his motorcycle. He handed you a helmet, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Ready for an adventure?" he asked.

You nodded, heart pounding with anticipation. "Ready."

As you sped away from the school, the wind whipping through your hair, a sense of freedom washed over you. The mundane worries of exams and college applications faded into the background, replaced by the thrill of the unknown.

Your destination was a secluded cabin in the woods, a place Jing Yuan had discovered on one of his solo excursions. The journey there was filled with laughter and light-hearted conversation, the weight of your responsibilities momentarily lifted.

When you finally arrived, the sight took your breath away. The cabin was nestled in a clearing, surrounded by towering trees and bathed in the golden light of the afternoon sun.

"This place is amazing," you said, taking in the serene beauty.

Jing Yuan smiled, clearly pleased with your reaction. "I thought you'd like it. Come on, let's get settled in."

Inside, the cabin was cozy and inviting, with comfortable furniture and a fireplace that promised warmth and comfort. You quickly made yourselves at home, unpacking your bags and exploring the surroundings.

As evening fell, Jing Yuan lit a fire, and you both settled in front of it with cups of hot cocoa. The flickering flames cast a warm glow, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and relaxation.

As you sat by the fire, the conversation turned to deeper topics. Jing Yuan shared stories of his childhood, his dreams, and his fears. You listened intently, feeling a deeper connection with each word he spoke.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we didn't have to keep this a secret?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

You nodded, your heart aching at the thought. "All the time. But I wouldn't trade what we have for anything."

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