Sunday x GN-Reader | Ice Skates

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Sunday was a figure skater with an elegance that seemed to defy gravity. Their movements on the ice were so fluid and graceful that it left anyone who watched in awe. Meanwhile, Y/N, a skilled hockey player, possessed a power and agility that commanded attention. Their athleticism and determination drew admiration from all who witnessed them on the rink.

One day, Y/N decided to visit the local ice rink for some practice. As they entered the venue, their eyes immediately fell upon Sunday, who was gracefully gliding across the ice. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, as Y/N found themselves captivated by Sunday's beauty and skill.

Unable to tear their gaze away, Y/N found it difficult to concentrate on their own practice. Their mind wandered, desperately wanting to know more about this captivating figure skater.

 However, their distraction proved to be their downfall, as they suddenly lost their balance and fell to the ice with an undignified thud.

Embarrassment washed over Y/N as they lay sprawled on the cold surface. But just as they were about to pick themselves up, a hand reached out to help them. Looking up, they were met with the kind and concerned eyes of Sunday.

"Are you okay?" Sunday asked, their voice as gentle as a whisper.

Y/N couldn't help but notice how Sunday's smile lit up their face. Summoning their own courage, Y/N blurted out, "Hey, you're cute!" It was not the most eloquent or composed line, but it was a genuine reflection of how Sunday had captured Y/N's heart.

Sunday chuckled, a beautiful sound that echoed through the rink. "Thank you," they replied, a faint blush coloring their cheeks. "Are you alright? Do you need any help?"

Grateful for Sunday's kindness and attentiveness, Y/N shook their head, attempting to regain their composure. "No, I should be alright. But, hey, would you maybe want to grab a cup of hot chocolate after practice? I'd really love to get to know you better."

Sunday's eyes sparkled with warmth and excitement. "I would love that," they replied, their voice barely containing their enthusiasm. "I've always admired your skills on the ice. It would be a pleasure to spend some time with you."

And just like that, amidst the falling snow and the enchantment of the ice rink, Sunday and Y/N began a journey that would intertwine their love for their respective sports with a deep affection for one another. They spent countless hours practicing together, providing encouragement and support every step of the way.

As time passed, their love for each other only grew stronger. They attended each other's games and competitions, cheering each other on from the sidelines. Whether it was Sunday gracefully executing jumps and spins, or Y/N displaying incredible agility on the hockey rink, they always found solace and inspiration in each other's presence.

Sunday and Y/N's connection was a testament to their shared passion and the unbreakable bond they had formed. Their love story began on the ice, but it transcended far beyond it. Together, they discovered the true meaning of dedication, friendship, and love, proving that sometimes, the most extraordinary relationships are born from simple moments of distraction and a single, courageous confession of admiration.

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