Blade x F!Reader | Neighbor

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Y/n was having a lazy afternoon hanging out at her friend's house. They were sitting on the couch, engrossed in their own little world of conversation and laughter. Suddenly, her friend's mischievous grin widened, and she couldn't help but be curious about the cause.

"What's up with that sly smile?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.

Her friend leaned in, excitement sparkling in her eyes. "Y/n, you won't believe who just moved in next door!"

Y/n's interest was piqued. Living in a peaceful neighborhood, any sort of excitement was a welcome change. "Who is it?" she asked eagerly.

"Blade," her friend replied, drawing out the name dramatically. "He's tall, dark, and incredibly handsome. I think you might find him quite appealing."

A smirk played at the corner of Y/n's lips as she nudged her friend teasingly. "Sounds like someone has found themselves a new crush."

Her friend blushed, trying not to show too much enthusiasm. "Well, maybe. But you have to see him for yourself, Y/n. He's shirtless most of the time when he's working out in his backyard."
Y/n's interest was officially piqued. Days passed, and she couldn't stop wondering about this intriguing neighbor, Blade. The image of a handsome, fit man lingered in her mind, igniting an unexpected curiosity.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Y/n decided to take matters into her own hands. She put together a gift basket filled with homemade goodies, hoping it would make a good icebreaker between herself and Blade. With the basket in hand, she took a deep breath and walked towards her neighbor's house.

As she reached Blade's doorstep, Y/n's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nerves. She hesitantly knocked on the door, and a few moments later, it swung open, revealing a shirtless Blade, his muscular physique on full display in his grey sweatpants.

Y/n stood there, momentarily stunned, her eyes drinking in the sight in front of her. Blade's jawline was sharply defined, his dark hair tousled to perfection. It was as if he had stepped right out of a romance novel cover, causing her breath to hitch.

Breaking free from her stupor, Y/n stuttered, "Uh... hi. I'm Y/n. I live next door, and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood."

Blade's lips curved into a warm smile as he looked at the gift basket. "Hey, Y/n. That's really sweet of you. Thank you. Want to come in?"

Refusing to let her nervousness overpower her, Y/n stepped inside Blade's house, her gaze occasionally glancing at his chiseled physique. They exchanged pleasantries, and over time, a friendship blossomed between them.

To her delight, Y/n discovered that she and Blade worked in the same workplace. They shared lunch breaks and discovered common interests, which only deepened the connection between them. But with every interaction, Y/n couldn't help the growing crush she had on Blade. Every word he spoke, every smile he shared, only made her admiration for him intensify.

However, there was a hint of uncertainty in Y/n's heart. Was she simply drawn to Blade's physical appearance? Was her crush just surface-level attraction? These questions plagued her thoughts, causing her to retreat into her own insecurities.

One evening, while sitting in her favorite spot at the local coffee shop, Y/n happened to overhear a conversation between her colleagues. They were enthusiastically discussing Blade's incredible work ethic and his dedication towards helping others. Y/n's heart filled with pride as she listened, realizing that her initial attraction had led her to discover Blade's truly remarkable character.

From that moment on, Y/n's crush on Blade evolved into something deeper. She admired his inner strengths, his talents, and the genuine kindness he radiated towards everyone.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Y/n's crush transformed into something far more profound. And when the time was right, she mustered the courage to confess her feelings to Blade.

With a nervous but determined smile, Y/n shared her heart, explaining how their friendship had grown into something she cherished. Blade listened intently, his face reflecting a mix of surprise and joy. And then, finally, he whispered the words she had longed to hear:

"Y/n, I've been feeling the same way. I just couldn't find the right words to express it."

In that moment, Y/n and Blade's connection expanded beyond friendship. They embraced the journey that lay before them, ready to explore the depths of their budding romance, fueled not only by their initial attraction but also by the profound connection they had developed.

And so, in a neighborhood once known for its peaceful serenity, a new love story unfolded, sparked by a gift basket, nurtured by friendship, and sealed by the beauty of two souls finding solace in each other's arms.

requested by my sister

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