The Beginning of Talia Winchester

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June 17th 1981:

A knock sounds out on the door of a beautiful house and a woman with blonde hair and pale skin opens it, frowning when she sees no one. Her eyes widen when she looks down and sees a small picnic basket on the doormat and she bends down, lifting the lid and seeing a small baby wrapped in blanket.

She immediately takes the baby inside, a man with a small amount of stubble and short dark brown hair comes down the stairs with a small blonde-haired boy on his hip. "Who was at the door, Mary?" the man asks and Mary sets the basket down on the kitchen counter.

"No one. John, someone left a little baby on our doorstep" Mary looks to John who comes to her side, looking down at the small baby in the basket. "Did they leave a note?" John adjusts his hold on the little boy. "No, nothing" Mary shakes her head as she carefully lifts the baby out of the basket, cradling it softly. "What should we do?" Mary looks at John. "Well, it's not like we can just give the baby back since we don't know who gave them to us. I'd feel bad giving the baby to an orphanage. Maybe we can take them in? It's not like we don't have the supplies" John suggests and Mary smiles down at the little baby in her arms.

"Let me get the baby changed and warm" Mary walks up the stairs and unwraps the little baby from the grey blanket and changes her into a small baby onesie with a giraffe pattern on it and the little girl wakes up, gently cooing as Mary smiles down at her. Mary looks down and the baby's big brown eyes blink up at her, a small smile on her little face and Mary smiles widely at the little girl. "Talia" Mary breathes as she looks at the little girl in front of her and the baby giggles softly at the sound.

Mary picks up the little baby and walks downstairs, seeing John sitting on the couch with the little blonde haired toddler and she sits down next to the two. "I thought about a name for her. I was thinking of Talia" Mary smiles softly and John smiles. "I like it. Talia Winchester" he agrees and kisses Mary softly. "Okay Dean, I want you to meet Talia" John looks down at the little boy and he smiles, tilting his head curiously at Talia.

"Talia" he repeats with a big smile, placing a hand on the little onesie and Talia wraps a small hand around his finger, causing him to smile widely. "Sister?" Dean questions softly and Mary and John look at each other. "Yeah, she's your little sister" Mary says softly, cupping her son's face.

November 2nd 1983:

"Goodnight Sammy" a now four-year-old Dean says goodnight to his baby brother, Sam, as Mary holds a now two-year-old Talia. "Night Sam" Talia says softly, her brown eyes looking down at little Sam. Mary carries Talia into her and Dean's room, tucking her into her small bed as John tucks in Dean. "Goodnight, my little star" Mary kisses Talia on the head. "Night Mommy" Talia smiles and Mary and John switch beds.

"Goodnight sweetie" John kisses Talia on the head and she smiles. "Night Dad" her small voice squeaks as her eyes start to close and the parents leave the room, a rustling of sheets being heard and Dean gets out of bed and walks over to Talia's bed.

"Goodnight Lia" Dean hugs his sister through the bedsheets and her little arms come out from underneath the quilt and wrap around her older brother's torso, hugging him softly. The two fall asleep in their beds but are awoken soon after by a scream and Talia gets out of her bed and walks slowly into the hallway towards the nursery.

She walks into the room and sees flames surrounding the room, John lying on the floor and crying up at Mary on the ceiling, her stomach slit open as baby Sam cries in his cot.

John scoops up Sam and sees Talia in the room, crying at the noise and the heat and he moves the grab her as the dresser next to her goes up in flames, burning her little arm and she screams as the flames lick her skin. John grabs her and drags her out of the room, seeing Dean in the hallway. John rushes towards him with baby Sam in his arms and Talia screaming next to him.

"Take your brother and sister outside as fast as you can! Now, Dean, go!" John hands Sam to Dean and Dean holds Sam close to him and he grabs Talia's hand and drags her out the house, standing outside and watching as Sam' windows explode and fire bursts through them.

Talia cries as the flames reflect in her eyes and they are both picked up by John, who rushes them over to the 1967 black Chevy Impala and wait for rescue services to arrive, a dark look on his face as he holds his three children.

I am excited to finally start publishing this story! I've been writing this story on and off but ended up falling out of love with it so I decided to completely rewrite it and this is what I've got.
Updates might be a bit here and there but I promise I will do my best.
Short chapter to start with, i know, but this is the backstory/first scene of the entire series so I thought I should make it one part.
If you enjoy the story please feel free to vote and comment!
Any suggestions for the story are welcome!
And, in case I didn't make it clear enough, this will not be a Dean/Sam story nor will it be a Cas story (when we get there). Hopefully it will be made clear why in the episodes but obviously, Sam, Dean and Talia are siblings despite not being actually blood related.

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