Pilot: Part 1

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October 31st 2005:

"Are we sure we want to bring Sam back into this? We can handle this on our own, Dean" I looked at my older brother as he drove down the long stretch of road, on our way to Stanford to pick up our little brother. Dean hadn't seen Sam in over four years but I had spoken to him nearly every single day unless I was too busy on a hunt.

Things had been different in the last four years. After Sam had left, Dad got colder and more brash, Dean had gotten the same and also a little cocky. But on the inside, he was heartbroken and I was the only one able to see that.

As for me, well, after Dad and Sam had the argument and Sam left, me and Dad got in the worst argument Dean had ever seen. We were screaming at each other, I threw things at him, he threw them back and it ended with me breaking his jaw and him beating the ever-loving shit out of me, breaking three of my ribs and dislocating my shoulder.

Ever since then, our relationship has been practically non-existent, we fight more than he and Sam used to but still, I wanted to find him because a small part of me still cared about him, somehow. I wanted to leave so bad, go live with Sammy but I couldn't leave Dean. No matter how hard I tried.

And now? Now, I was worried about the damn asshole.

I was the only one who had spoken to Sam and I knew all about his college life and his girlfriend, Jessica. I told Dean a lot because he wanted to know and even though he didn't really look interested, I could tell he was grasping every single word I uttered about Sam. It was obvious: he missed his baby brother.

"Dad hasn't come back from a hunt and it's been a few weeks. Of course I want Sam with me" Dean looked at me briefly before looking back at the road. "Okay, you know that's not what I meant. I want him with us too, Dean. It's just, he got out of this life. I'm not overly keen to drag him back into it" I sigh, looking out my window. "I'm not either but...I need him" he hesitated slightly and I looked at him. "So do I" I say softly, looking at the road ahead.

It was almost midnight when we arrived at the college and we hadn't told Sam we were coming because he probably would've denied us entry. It was my idea to come and get Sam in the first place because Dad was his dad too and he had a right to know. Sam knew the risks of the job and if Dad was missing then he was in trouble.

Me and Dean were literal gods at sneaking into places and Sam's dorm was far from an exception. He went in first and I followed him through the window, landing on the floor silently before walking through the shadows cautiously. I shot Dean a glare when he kicked a chair and he looked at me with an apologetic smile on his face and I rolled my eyes as I continued to move through the dark when I saw a shadow at the door and I chose not to say anything to Dean, knowing it was Sam and that this would be entertaining to watch.

Sam moved forwards and grabbed Dean by the shoulder, causing Dean to move away and get ready to throw a punch but Sam ducked, pushing Dean into the light caused by the moon and I just chuckled at the two of them, leaning against the wall as I watched the two brothers fight. Dean quickly recovered and threw Sam to the ground with one hand on his neck and the other holding his wrist. "Whoa, easy tiger" Dean chuckled when he saw it was Sam. "Dean? You scared the shit out of me!" Sam breathed heavily as I smirked from where I was standing.

"That's cause you're outta practice" Dean smirked and Sam rolled his eyes before grabbing Dean's hand and flipping the two of them over, sending Dean to the ground. "Or not. Get off me" Dean struggled and Sam got off him, helping him up and the two of them looked at each other, Sam yet to notice me still stood in the shadows and I smirked, seeing a perfect opportunity to scare him. "What the hell are you doing here?" Sam huffed. "What? I couldn't spend quality time with my brother?" Dean jokes with him and Sam gave his classic bitch face as I silently walked up behind him.

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