Wendigo: Part 1

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It broke my heart to see Sam this sad. It's been a week since Jessica died and he was having nightmares about her and I couldn't do anything about it. Truth be told, he wasn't the only one having nightmares. Ever since I saw Jess on the ceiling...something triggered inside of me.

I was remembering more from that night, I was having more nightmares and my brothers knew nothing of this, nor would they ever. I broke down last week in front of them both, something I swore I'd never do. Dean's noticed that I'm not my usual self and he tried to get me to talk on multiple occasions, the most recent one ending with a slap to the back of his head.

He hasn't asked since.

Nightmares of mom aren't the only nightmares that have been plaguing my sleep recently. No, these nightmares were worse, much more fresh, and neither Sam nor Dean knew practically anything about it. And I planned to keep it that way.

Sam was finally asleep so I made Dean keep the radio down so Sam could get some sleep in the car, it's not like I was gonna get any. "You think he'll be okay?" Dean asked softly, looking at me in the rearview mirror. "I hope so" I sighed and watched as Sam shot awake, likely from another nightmare. "You alright, Sam?" I asked, hoping he would tell the truth. "I'm fine" Sam breathed heavily. "Another nightmare?" Dean side-eyed him but kept his attention on the road. Sam didn't answer and just looked out the window so I leant forward.

"Sammy?" I whispered and he turned his head to look at me. "I'm here. I've got you" I brush some hair out of his face and smile softly, squeezing his shoulder and he nods, leaning into my touch. "You want to drive?" Dean asked and I glared at him. "Not once have you ever asked me that" I playfully glared at him and Sam smiled.

"You wrapped the car around a fucking tree two years ago, of course I don't ask you if you want to drive" Dean replied sarcastically and I rolled my eyes, smiling at him. "Okay, that was an accident, it was icy and a truck hit me. Not my fault" I defended myself and Sam chuckled slightly as Dean just rolled his eyes.

"Dean, your whole life, not once have you ever asked me that" Sam shook his head. "Never mind then, I thought you might want to. And I'd rather die than ask you to drive this car" Dean looked back at me and I rolled my eyes. "I hate you" I put on a fake smile. "I hate you more" Dean returned the 'smile' as Sam shook his head at us. "Do you two ever stop bickering?" he questioned sarcastically and we both looked at him. "No" we said at the same time before I flicked Dean's ear, leaning back against the seat with a grin on my face.

"Alright, where are we?" Sam grabbed the map. "Just outside of Grand Junction" Dean answered and Sam shook his head and sighed. "You know what? maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon" Sam shook his head softly. "Sam, we did all that we could possibly do there. The thing that killed Jessica, killed mom and with that happening around the time that dad disappeared, that can't be a coincidence" Dean glanced at his brother as he spoke. "Yeah, dad will have answers once we find him. Now we got a job to do" I said softly as Dean sped up slightly.

"Yeah, about that. This seems off" Sam commented. "What do you mean?" I frowned, leaning forwards to look over his shoulder. "This is Blackwater Ridge. It's in the middle of nowhere" Sam put down the map and sighed. "Why would he send us to the woods?" Sam frowned and Dean said nothing as he drove. Dean drove to the Ranger Station where we were supposedly going to get some answers. Apparently, some attack happened last night in these woods.

I got out with my brothers and we walked inside, looking around and my eyes fell on the huge map of the area in the middle of the room which also caught Sam's interest as Dean looks at the pictures on the wall. "Dean, this Ridge is cut off by canyons, rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place. Why would dad send us here and what could be hidden?" Sam wondered aloud. "Dude, check out the size of this bear" Dean said, smiling and I walked over to him.

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