Pilot: Part 3

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Me and Dean got out as quick as we could when we arrived, walking to the front desk person with Sam just behind us. "One room please" Dean said, placing a credit card on the table. "You having a reunion or something?" the guy asked as he put the information on the computer. "What do you mean?" Sam asked politely. "I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He bought out a room for a whole month" the guy shrugged and the three of us shared looks before we got the room number and walked over to it.

I got down on my knees and started picking the lock while the boys blocked me from sight. It took me no more than two minutes and I pushed the door open silently, pocketing the kit and walking inside, sighing when my brothers didn't follow me. I turned around and grabbed them both by the back of their jackets, pulling them in the room before turning the light switch on.

Every surface was covered in newspaper articles, clippings, paper's with Dad's handwriting on it and just about anything else. The bed was unmade like a maid hadn't come in and cleaned it, books were on the floor as well as a line of salt, protecting the desk.

"Looks like he wanted to keep something out" I pointed at the salt line and cat's eyes as Dean walked over to the desk and flipped the switch on. "Looks like he hasn't been here in a couple of days" Dean noted as Sam walked across the room to look at other articles and I rifled through suitcases and books to see if I could find anything.

"Dad figured it out" Sam suddenly said and I walked over to where he was. "He found the same articles we did. Constance was the woman in white" Dean smirked while Sam said this. "If dad was here, wouldn't he have burned the body?" Dean wondered. "There are other ways to keep a ghost here than just their body. Maybe something is holding her back. Maybe her husband knows where she's buried. Dad must have dug her up while he was here" I explained, looking between the boys.

"Yeah, her husband would be great if he was still alive" Sam sighed. "Alright, why don't you look for that while Lia gets cleaned up and I wait" Dean nodded. "Nah, you go first" I shake my head, sliding off my jacket and throwing it on the floor of the bathroom. "Is that blood?" Dean said suddenly, looking at my neck. "Huh, what?" I put my hand up to my neck, pulling it away to see only mud. "Here, on the back" he lifts my hair up. "Yeah, you're bleedin'. Come here, I'll clean it" Dean confirms and I nod, heading towards the bathroom.

"I'm sorry for what I said about Mom and Dad" Sam spoke and I turned around. "No chick-flick moments" Dean stopped him. "Fine, jerk" Sam smiled. "Bitch" Dean smiled back before walking into the bathroom. "Sorry, Sammy" I smiled softly. "I would've done the same thing, T" he smiled before I walked into the bathroom. I closed the door and saw Dean with a damp cloth waiting and I put the seat of the toilet down before sitting on it backwards, my back to Dean.

"Want me to tie my hair up?" I questioned. "If you can" Dean agreed and I lifted my hair up, deciding to just push it forwards in front of my face, letting  it fall onto my nose. He gently pressed the cloth to my neck and I held back a wince as he wiped away the mud and blood before moving up to the back of my head. "Shouldn't need stitches" he confirmed and I hummed in reply. "How'd you get this anyway?" he cleaned the cloth before wetting it again. "In the river, hit a rock" I shrugged and he chuckled softly.

"Alright, get cleaned up, I'll wait outside" he says as I stand up and I nod. "Hey, Dean?" I stop him at the door and he looks back at me. "You love chick-flicks" I smirked and he rolled his eyes. "Shut up" he smiled before walking out the door, leaving me to get showered and changed, leaving my hair in front of my face.


"Is that Jessica?" I asked as I walked out the bathroom after fixing my hair again. Sam was on the phone and he looked at me and nodded as Dean pulled his jacket on. "Hey, I'm hungry. I'm gonna grab something to eat at the diner; you want anything?" Dean looked between me and Sam. "No, I'm good" Sam said, trying to listen his voicemail. "I'm good too. I'll wait here with Sam" I smiled softly and Dean sighed before leaving the motel room. He was definitely gonna get me something regardless of my eating habits.

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