Dead in the Water: Part 1

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Me and Dean were currently sitting at a table in a restaurant while Sam was in the bathroom and a waitress, Wendy, came over to our table. She was skinny, had blonde hair and flirty eyes that were starting to piss me off. "Can I get you anything else?" she leaned down, showing off her cleavage and I rolled my eyes. Dean looked up at the foreign voice and smirked, the pen he was using still in his mouth.

"Just the check" I smiled sarcastically at her and she glares at me before walking off. "You know, we are allowed to have fun once in a while and that" he pointed to Wendy. "Is fun" he looked at me accusingly and I shake my head. "With the eyes she was giving you, I can tell you right now she does that to every guy that walks into the fucking building" I look around the restaurant, waiting for Sam to come back.

"You can be a real bitch sometimes, you know that?" he puts his pen down and glares at me. "Thanks" I smile sarcastically before rolling my eyes, looking back down at the drawing I was doing on my hand. "Alright, what the hell is going on with you?" Dean leans forwards towards me and I look up at him. "What are you talking about?" I frown at him, leaning back against the seat.

"I mean, ever since Blackwater, you've been bitchier than normal, I don't actually think you've smiled, you've just been drawing that stupid symbol on your hand constantly and you're kinda freaking me out" he accuses and I look at him. "It's not a stupid symbol" I mumble, looking down at the little symbol I had drawn.

"Then what is it?" he glares at me. "It's the pendant on Evelyn's necklace" I bite my tongue to stop any tears. "Evelyn...your ex" he sighs and I nod. "It was her voice, wasn't it? In the forest" he realises and I nod again.

"That's what's got you so worked up" he nods slowly and I look at him. "I'm scared, Tal" I say as I trace the symbol. "What's that mean?" he frowns at me. "Those were the last words she said to me when I..." I catch myself and Dean looks at me expectantly. "When you what?" he pushes and I look up at him as a tear slides down my cheek. "When I killed her" I bite my lip and Dean's eyes widen. "You-" he starts but is cut off when Sam sits down next to him and I quickly wipe my eyes.

"You alright?" he frowns. "Yeah, got something in my eye" I lie effortlessly and he buys it, looking at Dean. "We got a case?" Sam asks and Dean stares at me for a few seconds before nodding. "Yeah, listen to this: a woman named Sophie Carlton walks into Lake Manitoc in Wisconsin but doesn't walk back out. Authorities searched everywhere but they didn't find anything. Sophie is the third person to drown in this lake this year alone. None of the other bodies were found either. They had a funeral for her two days ago" Dean explained.

"A funeral?" Sam asks. "Yeah, it's weird, they buried an empty coffin. For, uh, closure or whatever" Dean shrugs. "It's not that weird" I reply. "Closure? What closure? People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them" Sam shakes his head. "Something you wanna say to me Sam?" Dean asks, putting down his pen. "The trail for dad. It's getting colder every day" Sam says and I sigh. "Exactly. So what are we supposed to do?" Dean asks. "I don't know. Something. Anything" Sam says.

"You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I wanna find dad as much as you do?" Dean asks. "Maybe he doesn't want to be found. Maybe we should just wait until he gets in contact with us or something" I shrug and Dean glares at me. "Really? You too?" he snaps.

"Oh, forgive me for not jumping with joy at the idea of finding the man that beat me half to death" I roll my eyes, my leg bouncing up and down. "He did what?" Sam looks at me and I just look down. "At least he didn't actually kill you" Dean snaps and I look up at him, a mix of anger and betrayal written on my face.

"Are you serious right now?" my voice breaks as I look at him, Sam looking confused as Dean starts to look guilty. "If you wanna keep looking for him, go right ahead. I'm going to Lake Manitoc, with or without you" I snarl, standing up and walking out the door towards the car. I open the trunk of Baby and grab a duffel bag, shoving some clothes and weapons in it as Sam comes jogging out the door towards the car.

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