Pilot: Part 2

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It's been a hell of a ride getting to Jericho but we finally made it and I was getting sore from sitting in the backseat. Now that Sam was back, I immediately moved to the back so that I could see both of the boys, something I always did before Sam had left. It's not that she wasn't comfortable back here, but being up in the front was the best.

We were currently at a gas station while Dean was getting whatever he wanted from inside and I was waiting with Sam. "I'm glad you decided to come with us" I sat up from laying down and I looked at Sam. "I missed you, T" Sam smiled slightly and I grinned at the nickname. I never let anyone else call me that, only Sam. When he was first learning to talk, he couldn't say my name properly so he would always call me T until he could actually say my name when he was around 3 and a half. "I missed you too Sammy" I smile, ruffling his hair and he groans, swatting my hand away and I chuckle softly.

"You guys want breakfast?" Dean finally comes up to the car. "No, I'm good" me and Sam say at the same time. "Are you still using credit card scams to buy your way through America?" Sam joked as he looked through the box of cassette tapes Dean had. "Last I checked, I wasn't getting paid top dollar for ganking stuff" I joked back and Sam shook his head. "You're lucky you got out of the life" I continue, sighing softly. Secretly, I did wish I could get out of the life. I wish I could forget all about the monsters out there and just live a normal life.

"So why don't you? I know you've always wanted to be a criminal artist although I doubt that'll work given your track record" Sam turned to look at me as he closed the door. "It's hard to leave when you know what's out there. When there are people getting killed and you know why it's happening. If I see someone getting hurt and I know there's something I could do to stop it, I go for it. That's why I haven't left. And someone needs to keep the dumbass alive" I gesture to Dean and Sam laughs.

Dean finished with the pump and climbed into the driver's seat as Sam fished out another box of cassette tapes. "Dude, you have got to update your cassette tape collection" Sam groans and he puts down a cassette tape. "Why?" Dean didn't see a problem with them. "One, they're cassette tapes and two, you have got stuff in here that are the greatest hits of mullet rock" Sam explained. "Hey. You know the rules" I reach over and grab a tape, handing it to Dean. "Yeah, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" Dean smirked as he put the tape in and AC/DC starts playing.

"You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. It's just Sam" Sam corrected and I smiled, ruffling his hair again. "You'll always be Sammy to me" I grin as he hits my hand away. "Sorry Sammy, the music is too loud" Dean pointed to his ear and shook his head as he turned up the volume and Sam huffed. I missed the days when it was just us three on a hunt and unfortunately, my dream was short-lived when we passed a sign that stated Jericho 7.

"We know dad's not dead" Sam said after he made a few phone calls to someone. "I'm telling you, he's not dead. If a demon killed him and knew that the three of us were alive, the demon would let us know about it. I know he's not dead, I can feel it" I shake my head and look out the window, seeing a bridge with police frantically looking around, trying to figure something out. They were looking at an abandoned red car which was similar to the case we were working on.

"Hey, check it out" I tapped Dean's shoulder and pointed to the bridge. He reached into the glovebox and pulled out a box of official-looking fake badges with our faces on them. He hands me one before grabbing one himself while Sam stared at him the entire time. "They won't tell civilians about this, Sam. If we want information, we gotta look the part" I reason with him and get out of the car. Sam followed me and Dean over to where the police officers were.

"Didn't this kind of thing happen last month?" Dean said when he was close enough and the officers close to us looked up and frowned. "And you are?" the officer in lead, Officer Swick, asked. I lifted my badge to show him before putting it away so they couldn't find anything wrong with it.

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