Chapter IV {Moooorning}

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Draco's eyes bore into mine. our blue pupils clashing together. his soft, pale hands cupping my face. i lean into his hand by instinct. it felt so good to finally feel him again. his other hand wrapped around my waist, pulls me closer to him. his face leans into mine, my breath hitches in my throat as our faces are only inches away from each other. his lips brisk across mine for a mere milli-second. it was funny to me that his whole face had a pale tone to it but his lips were as pink as the roses that grew in Mrs. Weasley's garden. his face began leaning further in, his lips centimeters away. i needed him. i needed his lips on mine. it was killing me. my heart yearned for his lips. 


i woke up.

i leaned up, breathing heavily. i didn't even realize i had been crying until i felt the salty water drip to the corner of my mouth. i took this moment to just breathe and stare forward. 

the dream. it was so vivid i could have swore it was real. 

suddenly i heard the floorboard right outside the door creak. someone was walking downstairs. who? i got up, wrapping my fuzzy robe around me and tying the string together, before walking quietly--so i wouldn't wake Ginny and Hermione--over to the door. i twisted the door knob slowly and walked out. 

all i could see was a flash of dark brown hair walk outside. i knew it was Harry the moment i saw it. i ran down the stairs as quiet as possible. the house was full of people. where was he going?

i finally reached the bottom floor and raced out the door.

"going somewhere?" i yelled after Harry who was halfway through the wheat fields. i walk until I'm about three feet away from him

Harry stiffens, turns to meet my gaze, then continues on.

"no one else is going to die. not for me." Harry mumbles as he continues to walk

"for you? you think Mad Eye died for you? you think George took that curse for you? you may be the Chosen One, Harry, but this is a whole lot bigger than that." i say

"come with me. now." Harry says

"and leave Hermione and Ron? are you mad? we wouldn't last a day without them!" i say. silence takes over as Harry continues to stare hard at me "besides, you still have the Trace on you. and the wedding..." 

"wedding?" Harry asks

"Bill and Fleur. Mrs. Weasley has been planning it for months. only thing that's kept her sane, i reckon. she'll kill me if i miss it. kill you too. rather go face to face with Voldemort to be honest." i chuckle

"i don't care about a bloody wedding--no matter whose it is. i have to start searching for the Horcruxes. its the only chance we have to beat him. and the longer we wait the stronger he gets." Harry argues

"Harry...tonight's not the night. you'd only be doing him a favor." i say

Harry stares at me. finally, he turns away, tosses the backpack in frustration. 

"do you think he knows?" i mumble

Harry turns his head halfway, but doesn't speak

"i mean, they're bits of his soul, the Horcruxes. bits of him. when Dumbledore destroyed the ring and you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary all those years ago--he must of felt something, right?" i ask

Harry ponders this, but stays silent

"what I'm saying is, if we do this thing right, if we find the Horcruxes and begin to destroy them one by one...wont he know he's being hunted?" i ask

still Harry says nothing. silence descends once more.....

"all together now" Mr. Weasley commands

an enormous circle of silk lies flat upon the ground. Hagrid, Mr. Weasley, Bill, Ron, Fred, Hermione, and i stand on its periphery, wands poised. 

"one...two...three!" Mr Weasley yells

the silk rises, pitching itself into a perfect wedding marquee, trembling wondrously in the morning breeze.

i walk back into the house, after being outside for almost two hours trying to put the tent up, and sit down in a chair next to George, who is laying on the couch. 

"morning love" George says sitting up

"morning" i groan

"not in such a good mood?" he asks

"no, i just didn't get a lot of sleep last night." i sigh

"why?" George asks

i look around, making sure no one is in ears shot "well, last night Harry tried to leave." 

"he did WHAT?" George yells

"shh!!" i cup my hand over his mouth "he tried to leave because he didn't want anymore of us dying." 

George nods and i release my hand

"i finally talked him into waiting until the wedding is over. took me a good hour to do so." i say

silence takes over us as i become parched.

"fancy a cup of tea?" George asks

"read my mind." i smile

we chat about random things. like what color dress I'm wearing to the wedding and whether he should wear a tie or a bow tie. i went with bow tie. it seemed more George-like. 

George held the door open for me and we both see an image that should have shocked us..but didn't. Harry and Ginny snogging right there in the kitchen. 

we both decided not to disturb them and crept over to the tea pot. George poured us both a cup of tea and we both leaned against the counter watching the scene before us. 

Ginny, sensing something, opens her eyes and jumps. Harry wheels. 

"morning" George and i both say at the same time, then taking a sip of our coffee


guys. i think i've done something awful. I'm kind of shipping George and Vanessa?! now before you freak out I'm not gonna make them a 'thing' but I'm just saying. the chemistry is THERE! 

or maybe they're just friendship goals...

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