Chapter VI {Wedding Crashers}

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the wedding party is in full swing. Harry, in dress robes, stands on the periphery absently fingering the snitch as Bill and Fleur twirl madly within a clapping circle of well-wishers. Hermione, in a red dress, dancing around briefly while Ron's eyes are entirely on her. 

i stood clapping along with the well-wishers, watching the happy couple smile and laugh. my black, knee length, dress flowing perfectly. 

"care for a dance?" a voice from behind me asks

i turn, and come face to face with George

"i'd love to" i smile

George leads me to an empty spot on the dance floor and takes my right hand in his left hand, placing his right hand on my waste as i place my other on his shoulder. 

"George...there's something i can't really shake." i say

"what is is?" he asks concern written all over his face

"i just have an extremely bad feeling." i say

"like you're going to be sick?" he asks

"no. like something bad's about to happen." i say looking up at the starry night sky

suddenly a shooting star type thing starts coming towards us. as it plummets, it grows, gaining speed until it slices through the canopy, exploding in a burst of light. all goes silent as a silver lynx--graceful and gleaming--materializes amid the crowd. when it speaks, the Patronus has Shacklebolt's sonorous voice.

"the Ministry has fallen. the Minister of Magic is dead. they are coming..." the lynx vanishes 

a scream shreds the silence, then chaos breaks out.

i make eye contact with Hermione, who is all the way across the tent. we had had it planned for weeks now. we knew what we had to do. 

i hugged George briefly before i start pushing my way through the crowd making my way to Hermione. suddenly the canopy above turns to ribbons as the Death Eaters--in dark clothes and masks--descend into the crowd. Mr. Weasley, Fred and George wield their wands. i see a flower fall from Fleur's hair, the hair that took me two hours to do, get crushed underfoot. 

i finally reach Hermione, gripping onto her arm

"we have to find Harry and Ron!" i yell standing on my tip toes looking out at the crowd

"Ron! Ron!" Hermione begins yelling

the red head spins around, sees us, and runs over taking my hand. 

"Harry!" i yell 

Harry runs at a full on sprint, grabbing onto Hermione's hand and i feel the familiar feeling of being sucked through a tube. 

a horn blares as a double-decker bus careen within inches of us. we walk onto the sidewalk at a fast pace.

"where are we?" i ask

"Shaftesbury Avenue. i used to come here to theater with my mum and dad. just popped into my head. don't know why.." Hermione answers

we hurry on, glancing over our shoulders at the dark shapes that move within the crowd behind us; strangers bumping by, faces passing in a paranoiac blur: a drunken man, a cackling woman with blood-red lipstick...

"this way!" Hermione says pulling us into an alleyway

as we take refuge in the shadows, Hermione begins to rummage through her tiny beaded purse

"we need to change." she says

Rona and Harry look at each other's dress robes. from the purse, Hermione extracts--in quick succession--four pairs of jeans, t-shirts, and pairs of light converse

"how the ruddy-" Ron begins

"Undetectable Extension Charm." Hermione answers

"you're amazing, you are" Ron says

"always the tone of surprise." Hermione smirks as she gives the bag a shake, there is a loud echoing of heavy objects, as if something has fallen "that'll be the books." 

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