Chapter XXII {The Chase}

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my feet started moving before i even realized it. all four of us dash through the trees. 

the forest grows more dense, the shadows thicken. spells splinter through the trees, ropes of light lace the night. 

i stumble, regain my footing, and find myself in a clearing. another figure pelts towards me: Harry.

we freeze briefly, then the clearing explodes with light as spells ricochet. we hit the ground. we hear the Snatchers closing in. Harry looks to me. i reach out, strips his glasses from his face, then points my wand at him. bursts of white light strikes him in the eyes. Harry blinks and in a swollen blur peers at me and whispers quietly "they exist. the Hallows." 

i stare at him in disbelief. 

"but he only wants one, the last one. that's what he's been looking for." Harry says quickly

"what're you saying?" i ask

"he knows where it is, You-Know-Who. he'll have it by the end of the night. he's found the Elder Wand." Harry explains vastly 

as i stare in stunned disbelief, figures emerge from the trees. Ron is shoved to the ground next to us. Hermione being held by Scabior. one of the Death Eaters strip us of our wands.

"don't touch her!" Ron growls at Scabior

a fist hits Ron hard. its Greyback.

"stop it!" Hermione yells

"your boyfriend'll get worse than that if he doesn't behave, lovely." Scabior says

Scabior paints her face with light then casts it on Harry. Harry peers up, his eyes swollen to slits, his face horribly misshapen. 

"what happened to you, ugly?" Scabior spits at Harry

Harry's hands find his face, he feels the lumps.

"what's your name?" Scabior asks

"Vernon. Vernon Dudley." Harry answers

"check the list. and you, ginger?" Scabior asks Ron

"Stan Shunpike." Ron answers

"like 'ell you are. we know skinny Stan. try again." Scabior smirks

"Weasley...Barney Weasley." Ron says

"Weasley, eh? wouldn't be related to that blood traitor Arthur Weasley, would you?" Scabior asks

"piss off! Arthur Weasley's ten times the wizard you are!" Ron yells

"worth ten times you if i can find him. wasn't you that tipped him off, was it?" Scabior asks

Ron stays mute. Scabior turns to Hermione.

"how bout you, lovely? what do they call you?" Scabior asks

"Penelope Clearwater. half-blood" Hermione answers flawlessly 

and then, Scabior's feet turn and his head whips around to meet mine. 

"and i know exactly who you are. number TWO" Scabior holds up two fingers "on the Undesirable List. Miss Runaway Death Eater. you know they've been looking for you for months. that love-struck Malfoy has been losing his mind." Scabior laughs evilly "i know exactly where I'm taking YOU!" 

"there's no Vernon Dudley on 'ere" a Snatcher says 

reluctantly Scabior turns from me.

"hear that, ugly? the list says you're lying. how come you don't want us to know who you are? hm?" Scabior pushes

"the list is wrong. i told you who i am-" Harry begins

Scabior puts a finger to his lips, silencing Harry, his wand probing Harry's face more closely.

"change of plans, boys. we won't be taking this lot to the Ministry." Scabior announces.

Scabior has me and Harry by our collars, dragging us towards dark black gates. gates of hell. not literally but in that moment it seemed like it. Greyback had Ron and another Death Eater had Hermione.

"what did you put me on?" Harry whispers to me so quietly i barely heard it

"a Stinging Jinx." i whisper back

"how long will it last?" Harry asks

"not long." i whisper

Harry glances down and sees his glasses in my hand. as he slips them in his pocket the group suddenly slows down. up ahead, on the other side of the gate, Bellatrix, Lucius and Narcissa approach. Scabior shoves me behind him, out of view, and shoves Harry's face against the metal gate. 

"i don't know." Narcissa says to Bellatrix

"its got to be him." Bellatrix hisses

"we won't allow the 'maybe' Potter in. we all know the threat, if we are wrong." Lucius says monotony 

i sigh, relieved. but suddenly Scabior grabs my arm and shoves me up against the gate. 

Bellatrix gasps but her shocked face doesn't last long. 

"hello Missy." Bellatrix smirks

"get Draco." she hisses

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