Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"I think I might throw up." Regulus mumbles, looking paler than usual.

Grace takes his arm with a squeeze. "You'll do fine. Just remember what we talked about regarding smiling and nodding your head to show interest. You'll do great, Black!"

Taking a deep breath in, he looks over to the witch. "Thank you, Grace." Taken back with him using her first name, she looks forward, feeling a blush come across her cheeks and immediately apparates them to the Potter's home.

Arriving in the backyard where the party is being held in celebration of the newly improved Quidditch field installed on their massive property, Grace quickly releases Regulus' arm as she spots her older brother in the crowd of guests. "Rem!" She calls, smiling as she walks forward with Regulus sticking close behind.

"You both made it!" The werewolf states looking between the two before moving forward to hug his sister. "Prongs hasn't shut up about how excited he is since you wrote saying he'd be your plus one." He gestures to the man behind his sister.

"It's nice to see you again, Remus." Regulus greets with the friendly smile he has been practicing with Grace since the night before.

Extending his hand for a firm shake, Remus returns the kind expression. "You as well, Regulus. Grace has said you make a good partner."

Nodding, he glances at the woman for a moment before back at him with a slight smirk. "'Tolerable' I think is a better word. I can barely keep up with her."

Grace laughs, earning an odd look from Remus, but just nods to the younger Black brother. "She always has been one to excel at anything she does. But I'm sure you're better than just 'tolerable'. She'd let you know otherwise." He nudges his sister's shoulder.

"MINI!!!!!" James Potter's voice screams through the crowd of party guests. Sprinting and weaving through everyone with his almost 7 year old son right on his tail, they barrel into the woman in an obnoxious and tight hug. "Grab a broom! Harry and I need you on the team!"

"Yeah, Aunt Mini!" Harry looks up at the woman, flashing his green eyes. "Pleeeaasseeee!"

"Sorry boys." She pulls out of the death grip of a hug. "Can't leave my guest unattended."

"Then he can play too!" Harry smiles at the stranger before his face grows in confusion at the man. "You kind look like my Uncle Pads."

"Harry," James squats to his son's level. "This is Regulus. Pads' younger brother."

"Oh!" The boy smiles running over to hug him. "I'm Harry! You want to play with us, right?!"

"Um, well I was a seeker back in school." Regulus softly replies, feeling unsure on how to properly interact with a child.

"Then it's settled!" James beams, slapping both Aurors on the back, causing Grace to stumble forward a step. "Regulus, you're with Sirius' team. Mini, you're with us."

Grace just shakes her head at the man. "I'm not dressed for flying, Prongs. Rem will take my place."

"Noooo." He whines at the girl. "No offense Moony, but you're the worst player we have. Pleaseee, you're wearing pants, what else do you need? I got helmets and pads you can use!"

Feeling a nudge hit her arm she looks over to see Regulus looking at her with a cocky expression. "If you're too scared to face me, you can just say so."

Feeling a warm competitive spark light in her chest, she crosses her arms and cocks her head. "Ohh, you're going down, Black."

Leaving the main party area, Grace provides Regulus a quick explanation of how it will be an altered backyard version of the game with no snitch, the teams will have 5 players each, first team to 150 points wins. Walking roughly a quarter mile on the property they finally reach the field where a few other guests and soon to be players are lounging about, drinking, and laughing. Among the group is the eldest Black brother, Sirius, looking uncharacteristically nervous as he watches the group come closer.

Aurors Heart: A Regulus Black RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now