Chapter 8

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A/N: Releasing this one a little early thanks to some extra engagement on my last chapter :) Hope you all enjoy! 


Chapter 8


Sitting at her desk, Grace can hardly keep her mind from spiraling. Another victim, well two victims from a crime scene that morning. Charlotte Michaelson aka Lottie, the owner of the very bakery Grace had visited on Sunday.

Speaking with all witnesses, the woman acted completely normal all morning until a regular customer, Jared Greengrass, came in. She killed him on the spot before taking her own life, blasting herself directly in the head with a powerful curse.

"It was the same man she mentioned caused her trouble." Grace confirms with her partner, recognizing the man immediately as the one Hughes had spoken with.

"She's the first one where we have a confirmed connection between both parties..." Lowering his voice to a whisper he leans closer, "You said Hughes knew him do you think that-"

"No." Grace cuts Regulus off, matching his hushed tone. "He clearly cared for the man... you saw how devastated he was this morning and how passionately he demanded the Chief to give him the case... He wouldn't do this, even if he did want to propel an anti-muggle born message, I don't believe he would hurt his friend... Plus he just isn't that smart."

"Agree with you there." Regulus forces a small chuckle despite the dark situation. "Maybe we should pull what customer records we can from the Bakery. See if any other pure bloods have placed orders there?"

"Yeah, couldn't hurt, but I don't think our killer will be dumb enough to leave a trail that could be easily spotted."

"Mails here." Erik calls out, walking around to each Auror. "Here you go, Grace." He hands her a small group of envelopes before doing the same for Regulus. "And for Mister Black."

"Thanks." Grace mumbles, mind still deep in compilation over the case. After a few breaths, she opts to look through her letters, immediately noticing one that seems to be unofficial with no seal on it. Oh Merlin. She internally groans reading the handwritten note.

'For the woman who has stolen my heart with a look of power. I am yours.'

"What's that?" Regulus asks, looking over and reading the note with a look of disgust passing his face. "Do you know who-"

"No." Grace shakes her head, throwing the note in a drawer of her desk. "No idea who would be writing that to me. Probably a joke from one of them." She whispers, gesturing to the male Aurors.

In reality, Grace is actually well accustomed to getting cheesy love notes, poems, flowers, sporadic gifts... even with her terrifying reputation in school, she had quite the following of admirers who showered her in gifts over the years, especially in Ravenclaw House. However, now graduated and receiving a note in her work place, she can only assume it is a joke.

"Hm." Regulus glares towards the other Aurors, a desire to both protect and defend the woman next to him surging. Regardless if it's a joke or a real note, he does not wish for anyone to mess with Grace or even worse, pursue her.


Days pass with no new attack and unfortunately no new leads are discovered from scouring through the Bakery records. As Saturday night begins, Regulus feels oddly out of place in his own home. Having gotten used to spending every free moment with Grace recently, it is a new experience being stuck at home again with nothing to do.

Aurors Heart: A Regulus Black RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now