Epilogue - 15 Years Later

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Chapter 13


Epilogue - 15 Years Later

Standing up on the stage of the rented out venue, Regulus takes in a few deep breaths as he glances over his shoulder at the 'Congrats Chief Black!' banners and decor. Clearing his throat, his eyes finally glance around the audience as he begins his speech. "Thank you all for coming to celebrate this occasion." He speaks, feeling his nerves dissipate slightly. "The title and responsibility of being Chief is not something that can be achieved by just anyone, it takes an ungodly amount of determination, strength, and passion to rise to the job and I am humbled to be married to the Auror who has now earned this rank. Please join me in giving a giant congratulations to Lady Grace Black the newest Chief of Crime within the Ministry!" His voice crescendos as he moves back from the microphone and extends a hand out for his wife who walks onto the stage, dressed impeccably as always.

I'm the luckiest man in the world. He thinks, as he smiles ear to ear at the powerful woman he gets to spend his life with. "Thank you, darling." Grace whispers, kissing his cheek lightly before raising her own glass up ready to give her speech out to her friends, co-workers, other important members of the ministry, and all her family. "Thank you all!" Her voice booms with confidence and authority.

"It has not been an easy journey to get here, but one that has been well worth it." She glances toward the numerous female Aurors who have all been hired over the last decade. "Every single person here plays a part in what we do, whether it be the Aurors who bring the criminal to justice, the clerks who document the process, or the innocents we protect-" Her eyes fall on her two daughters standing in the audience with their Uncle Jeremy who wave with excitement as they see their mother look at them. Giving a wave back with a smile, she continues, "All of us must work together and trust in one another for justice to be delivered effectively. I thank all of you for your support as we take the Ministry's Crime Division into a new age." Lifting her glass higher, she focuses her gaze on the group of Aurors huddled together before looking around to all the bright faces that fill the crowd. "To all of you. I will do everything in my power to serve and support you the way you deserve."

Taking a big drink of her cup, applause rings through the space as confetti cannons explode next to her. Dammit James. She groans internally seeing the man with his wand out, having triggered the blasts.

Turning, she takes her husband's arm as they walk off the stage and into the crowd to mingle with the endless wizards and witches who all give congratulations. "Almost done." Regulus whispers in her ear after thirty minutes pass and they've only managed to make it 20 feet from the stage.

"Don't lie to me, love." She giggles, looking up into his silver eyes. "It's going to be a lonnngggg night."

"A well earned one." He offers with a handsome grin before looking past her to spot their two girls running through the crowd.

"Mummy!" Their youngest, Astra, squeals as she jumps at her mothers arms. "You were amazing!" The 9 year old cheers with bright silver eyes before their eldest daughter comes and drags her sister back.

"Back off, you're gonna mess up Mums outfit." The 13 year old seriously scolds before looking up to her mother with a smile. "You did a great job on your speech."

Gasping dramatically Grace looks from her eldest, Estella, to her husband. 'Did you hear that, darling?" She voices in a teasing manner. "Did she just compliment me?!"

"Oh Merlin." The young girl groans as her mom pulls her into a forced hug.

"Oooohhh you looovvveeee meeee." Grace teases her daughter further, as Estellas face turns bright red. Having started pulling away from her parents as she enters her teen years, the young Ravenclaw regrets the compliment instantly.

"Mummmm." She groans, squirming out of her grip. "People are watching!"

Laughing, Grace releases her as she quickly gives each of her daughters a kiss on the cheek. "I love you both. It looks like we'll be here for a while but if you're ready to leave then just let one of your uncles know and they can take you home to Kreacher, okay?"

"Okay!" Astra shouts with joy before pulling her sister's hand and dragging her back through the crowd towards the dessert table.


Arriving back home, with a passed out Astra in Regulus' arms and a sleepy Estella walking with her mom, they arrive home far later than planned.

"Welcome home!" Kreacher beams with a smile as he greets his Mistress, Master, and children under his care. "Oh!" He coos seeing Astra asleep. "Allow Kreacher to take the young miss to her room." He offers in a whispered voice, arms extended.

"That's alright." Regulus whispers back, kissing his youngests head. "I'll tuck her in."

With Regulus ascending the stairs, Grace takes the opportunity to once again pull Estella into a hug. "I love you sweetheart." The new chief whispers as she holds her close. "Thank you for coming to support me today."

Loosely hugging her mom back, Estella refuses to vocalize the warmth that fills her from her mothers words and embrace. Continuing to put up the act of the 'too cool' teenager she just mumbles a simple "Love you too." Before leaving her arms and heading up stairs.

"Does Mistress need anything from Kreacher?" The old elf asks.

Shaking her head Grace simply squats down to hug the elf goodnight. "No thank you, Kreacher. We'll be alright the rest of the evening." Squeezing the witch back, he nods his head and releases her before snapping his fingers and vanishing.

Entering the now brightly decorated parlor, Grace thinks back to when she and her husband would lay out all their cases to piece together in this room. So many hours spent spread out on the sofa, chairs, and floor in here. Of course after Estella was old enough to walk they quickly removed any crime related items from the house. Now the parlor was welcoming, well lit and houses an ever growing library. Grace walks over to look at the various titles on the shelfs before she feels two warm arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"Mmmm." She hums softly, moving into Regulus' touch.

"Ready for bed?" He whispers, kissing her neck as his hands pull her flush against him.

Nodding her head, she twists to face him as her arms wrap around his neck. "Yeah... but I don't think I'm ready to sleep quite yet." She grins with a smirk as her eyes fall on his lips.

A wide smile of his own fills his face as he leans in and captures her lips. "Gods I am a lucky man." He whispers against her lips.


Just wanted a quick and simple epilogue to wrap up their story.

Hope you enjoyed! I had a lot of fun coming up with the concept for this one, it was a different kind of challenge for me to capture the mystery side of this story. 

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