Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Pacing in the back of the wine bar, Regulus' worry only increases as the minutes pass by. 20 minutes late... why would they be 20 minutes late?

"Lord Black?" The familiar male voice speaks behind him. Turning he spots the man. Erik. Stepping closer he leans in to whisper. "If you know what's good for Miss Lupin then you will allow me to apparate you out of here without a scene." This bastard. Not willing to risk Grace's life he gives a nod. Gripping his arm harshly, they land in what looks like an abandoned house where Grace's body lays across the floor unconscious. Immediately ripping his arm away from the man, Regulus lifts his wand at Erik but the man remains unfazed. "You can't hurt me right now."

"Want to test that theory?" Regulus growls, ready to end this man for laying a hand on his partner.

Taking a small knife out of his pocket, Erik slowly cuts a line across his arm before gesturing toward Grace's body. Following his prompt, Regulus' stomach drops as he sees the same cut form across her arm. "A pretty simple binding spell. Temporary for only a few days, but effective for what I need done."

Regulus swallows, the reality of the situation hitting him. "And that is?"

"Your death, Lord Black..." His voice is unwavering and confident, nothing like the nervous man Regulus had seen behind the receptionist desk each day. "The way I see it, we have three options." He walks forward toward the Auror. "Option 1 and my personal favorite, I kill you then allow Grace to wake up and arrest me, launching her career forward with my capture... Option 2, you kill me, thus ending our beloved Graces life as well... Or Option 3, You attempt to arrest me, and I kill myself before you have the chance." He glances over to Grace with oddly soft eyes. "Taking my love with me."

"She is not your love." Regulus hisses wanting to rip out his throat.

"Mmmm so quick to anger when it comes to her... so possessive... We both know you won't risk her life." He raises the knife up to his own throat. "So tell me, how would you like to die tonight?"

Lowering his wand, Regulus takes a second to look over Grace carefully. I will keep you safe. He thinks, before finally looking back at the killer. "I need to be absolutely certain Grace is safe. Let me apparate her to her brother then I'll return."

Erik scoffs, pushing the knife closer to his own neck. "And how do I know you won't return with back up?"

"If I am not back in the 60 seconds it takes to apprate her away and return then you can kill yourself as you said... But I will return. I'm not going to gamble with her life."

Pausing to think it through, Erik has to agree that he does not see Regulus risking Grace's life, after all it is that very idea that his whole plan hangs upon. With a nod and a gesture towards her body. Regulus walks over and scoops her in his arms. "60 seconds. She's dead otherwise." He emphasizes, drawing a bit of blood from his neck.

Looking at her Regulus wishes he could get one last look at those eyes he's come to crave. I'm getting you out of here, Grace. You'll be safe. I'll make sure you are safe.

Apparating to the Potters, he is immediately met with looks of confusion from Remus, James, Lily, and Sirius who glance up from their various seats in the living room. Setting Grace down next to his brother, he looks into Sirius' eyes as he simply says, "Please tell her how much I love her." Without giving them a chance to react, he apparates back to the vacant home and once again sees Erik just as he left him, holding the knife against his own neck firmly.

Aurors Heart: A Regulus Black RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now