Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Arms linked, neither Auror can hold their smiles in as they walk the streets together towards the small shop section of town. "So I know you want to go to the bookstore, anything else you definitely want to hit?" Regulus asks, glancing at the woman on his arm.

"Hmm." She looks up at the clear sky contemplating the various small businesses she knows in that area. "Well there's a potion shop... I could restock on some ingredients for Remus."

"Great." Regulus smiles over at her, unfazed by the casual mention of her brother's lycanthropy. "I also believe there is a new cafe next to the broom shop. I've heard good thi-" Cutting himself off as they cross the street, Regulus weaves his arm out from hers to side step, sliding his hand along her waist to ensure Grace shifts and walks on his other side, making him once again closer to the road when they reach the new sidewalk. "Um, I've heard good things." He continues, failing to notice the blush forming on Graces cheeks. "If you wanted to go there for lunch later?"

"That sounds perfect." She barely gets out, very much aware of the gentlemans hand still resting on her waist as they walk.

Reaching the bookshop first, Regulus is immediately entertained by the utter excitement and joy that Grace produces in seeing the discounted hardcover books lining the shelves. "Oh Merlin!!!!" She squeals, running her finger along all the spines. "How will I decide?!"

"I've heard good things about this one." Regulus snags one of the more popular novels that he's seen promoted in recent months. "It's a period piece."

Taking the book from him, he watches as she carefully reads, not the back cover but opens to skim the first few pages. After reading page three, she finally lifts her eyes and see's Regulus watching her with a soft expression that once again turns her cheeks pink. "Um, I like to get a sense of how the authors write... it's easier to do that by reading a page or two and not just the synopsis."

Nodding with his grin increasing even more, he chuckles. "Such a Ravenclaw."

Rolling her eyes, she pulls another book from the shelf and hands it over to him. "I think you'd like this one." Mimicking her actions, Regulus flips to the first page and reads a bit before determining he agrees with her methods on narrowing down your book choices.

A good hour passes before the two Aurors decide on their final purchases; six hardcover books for Grace, and two hardcover books and 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle for Regulus. Having taken note of the woman's love of puzzles, he forced her to pick out a design that she would want to complete with him.

Walking the street for a little longer, they window shop and chat, get some potion ingredients, and ultimately decide to pick up some take-out with a couple bottles of wine to take back to Grace's place after seeing how busy the cafe is.

Spreading their take-out across the coffee table as he has done numerous times before when eating with Grace after work, he can't help but feel this is an entirely different situation. Having spent the morning together, no work talk, just two people enjoying one another's company, practically a date. He smirks thinking about how just last night he talked about what kind of guy he pictures Grace with and here he is, suddenly seeing an image of himself beside the witch.

Knowing he drunkenly told Potter about his feelings last night has been shoved deep in the back of his mind at this point as he focuses on the beautiful woman returning with two wine glasses in hand.

Aurors Heart: A Regulus Black RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now