Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Standing next to Jeremy as he apparates him to the cabin, Regulus looks as pale as ever, filled with nerves.

"Calm down, darling." Jeremy wraps his arm around him before taking a step towards the large wooden door. "It'll be a nice relaxing weekend. Play some games, do some hunting, partake in lots of drinking." He chuckles, "Annnddd a good amount of dancing with your truly."

"Right." Regulus breathes, trying to picture the warm brown eyes that normally help to calm him down. "Nice relaxing weekend."

Entering the massive cabin, Regulus is quickly reminded of the wealth the Potters possess. With a house elf appearing and taking their bags with a snap of their fingers, Regulus gets the chance to take in the floor to ceiling glass windows on the far side, along with the modern styled furniture filling the space that's decorated with trophies, cased broom sticks, and what looks like other quidditch collectables.

"Regulus! Jeremy!" The voices all welcome the men inside as he surveys familiar and unfamiliar faces. The typical four Marauders are clearly in attendance, plus two men Regulus recognizes as the ones Sirius referred to as having 'the hots' for Grace from the Potters party, other than that the six other faces are unfamiliar, but greet him with open smiles and waves.

Just as he concludes looking over the room and guests, his brother is right in front of him, pulling him into a deep embrace. "Oooooo Reggieeeee!" He sings, clearly already buzzed from a few drinks. "I am so glad you came!"

"Me too." He answers softly, patting his brothers back before pulling away smiling. "It's really great seeing you."

Fighting back joyful tears, Sirius forces himself to back away and greet Jeremy warmly before dragging the two men further in and pouring them drinks.

With a few other men arriving within the hour, Regulus is a good two drinks in, by the time he is planted on a large loveseat with Remus Lupin sitting to his left. Having been mostly awkward and uncomfortable for the beginning of the night, Regulus finds himself surprised by how comforting it is to be around Remus. With the man having the same warm brown eyes as his younger sister, Regulus falls into easy conversation with him regarding his latest novel.

"Grace mentioned you wished to be a Professor?"

"Oh." Remus pauses from taking a drink and nods. "Uh, yeah. I'm surprised she even remembers that. I talked about that years ago."

"I'm nearly convinced she has a photographic memory." Regulus chuckles thinking about how amazing and clever the woman is.

"How has it been working with her?"

"Hmm? Oh, uh. Good. Very good." Regulus finishes off his drink as an elf magically appears handing him a new one. "She's a great partner."

"Jeremy keeps saying you two have been spending a lot of time outside the office together."

Regulus, feels himself tense up as he takes two large swigs from his glass. "Uh, yeah." He offers a smile, suddenly feeling the pressure of wanting to make a good impression on Grace's brother. "She keeps dragging me to all these muggle restaurants."

"Really?" Remus chuckles at the idea of his go-getter younger sister dragging the pure-blood through the small joints their parents used to take them.

"Mhm. We've gone to something called a 'Buffet', um, went to an Indian place, we got sushi, uhh I can't remember what it was last night but everything was spicy as hell, and ummm, oh yes! The place where they throw shrimp at you."

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