--ii. chiron gets fired (and rhea has a new brother)

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"I'm injured, and you're reminding me to watch my language?!"

Rhea glared at Kevin, a Apollo kid that she had gotten close to over the year. Kevin paid her no mind as he continued to apply nectar on the wound on her forehead. 

"You lot are sure like your dad," Rhea mumbled, making Kevin pause to narrow his eyes at her.

"Won't you stay still?" He demanded, his blue eyes staring at her in poorly hidden annoyance. 

"You kinda look like Leonardo Dicaprio." Rhea mused. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her body, making her flinch back.

"Ow!" She whined. "Be gentle!"

"You're done." Kevin ignored her, snickering. He put gauze on the wound and started putting away the supplies. "Next time you should think twice about charging a fire-breathing bull."

Rhea glared at him half-heartedly. "I'm literally fireproof."

"What's that wound then?" He asked, flicking her forehead.

"Not my fault it's made of metal." Rhea shot back.

Ever since the announcement of Thalia's tree dying, there has been a dismal mood that plagued the camp. Defenses were falling, and what just happened was Rhea getting wounded by a bronze fire-breathing bull. The moment Rhea had tried to kill it, it shot red hot fire at her, and if it weren't thanks to Apollo's blessing, she'd be burnt to a crisp. 

It had been close to a month since Thalia's tree was poisoned, and things had only gotten worse. The Apollo and Demeter cabins were trying to figure out a cure for the tree, but so far they'd come up with nothing. Rhea's healing only managed to slow it down, but without a real cure, well... let's just say it's not looking to great. 

"Are you alright?" Kevin asked, noticing her tired state.

"Fine," she said, giving a small smile. However, it turned into a genuine one when she spotted two familiar faces in the distance.

"Percy! Annabeth! You're back!"

She ran down the porch steps and pulled them both into tight hugs.

Percy noticed the bandage on her forehead immediately. "What happened?" He asked, frowning.

"Fire breathing bulls," she said in annoyance. "Not so friendly, aren't they?"

"What's going on, Rhea?" Annabeth asked. "I couldn't get an IM through, now Clarisse is saying something about a new activities director--what's happening?"

Rhea grimaced at that. "It's been a bad year."

"Is everyone at the border okay?" Kevin asked, coming down to stand next to her.

"Couple of injuries, but that's it," Percy said, before frowning at Kevin. "Who are you?"

"Kevin Foster," Rhea introduced. "Cabin seven, son of Apollo."

"Sup," Kevin greeted, giving him a smile.

Percy nodded. 

Rhea frowned at him. "Be nice, Perce. He treated my wound." She pointed at the gauze on her forehead.

Percy let out the fakest smile she had ever seen. "Thanks, dude."

"Um... Percy....?" Rhea asked, distracted, looking at the very tall, one-eyed boy trailing behind her brother. "Who's this?"

"Rhea, this is Tyson," Percy said. "Tyson, this is my sister Rhea."

The tall kid looked at her with one big brown eye. "Hi."

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