--viii. percy hijacks their quest

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RHEA REACHED THE TOP OF Half-Blood hill the next day, fresh from her night of rest thanks to Apollo. The girl had watched in amusement as the kids from cabin seven rush around to pack her supplies (nectar, ambrosia, money, clothes, etc.) They fused over her and threatened her to come home in one peace. Will Solace had shoved her an apple and told her "an apple a day keeps a doctor away."

Thalia and Grover were already there when she reached the hill, packed and ready to go. She didn't see the Hunters yet, but the sun was beginning to ascent into the sky, and the camp van was running, its exhaust spilling out visible smoke.

The sunlight shimmered around Rhea, creating a halo over her head. Thalia and Grover had to blink several times to adjust.

"Ready?" Grover asked.

"Seems like it," Rhea answered. "Where are the Hunters?"

"Running late," Thalia muttered. "Figured Zoe would be a stickler for punctuality, but apparently not."

As soon as she said that, Zoe and Bianca made it to the hill--just Zoe and Bianca.

"Where's that Phoebe girl?" Thalia asked.

"She will not be coming," Zoe said with a scowl. "She has fallen ill."

Rhea frowned. "That means we're one short. The prophecy calls for six."

"We will be fine," Zoe said. "It is first light. We must get going. The keys, please, Argus."

"My brother could--"

"Could not," Zoe snapped. "And you are willing to risk your brother's life by putting him on this quest just so that he can be by your side?"

Rhea's face turned red in anger. "You can't just say shit like that."

"We are wasting time." Zoe said, taking the van keys from Argus's outstretched hand and hit the unlock button. "If everyone is done complaining, shall we go?"


Zoe drove like a lunatic. Rhea was too mad to make small talk because she was too busy spewing out curses at Zoe in her head. How dare she talk to her like that? Percy meant everything to her and it was never her intention to putting him in danger because she wanted his company. That old bastard didn't know what was good for her.

I could curse her for you if you want, Seaweed Brain. Apollo's soothing voice sounded in her brain.

Rhea sighed in irritation. As much as that would give me satisfaction, I'd rather not lose the leader of our quest.

It won't be fatal. Apollo assured her. She must have some form of punishment for talking to you like that.

I'm petty but I'm not that petty, Solar.

Fine. The offer still stands.

They drove through Manhattan's wild traffic. They made it through New Jersey without any monster attacks.

When they reached Maryland, Zoe was forced to pull into a gas station. They went into the convenience store to use the restroom (and for Grover to get a bag of jellybeans), then they had Grover do his tracking spell to decide their next move.

"Grover, you're sure?" Thalia said as they left the store.

"Well... pretty sure," Grover said. "Ninety-nine percent. Okay, eight-five percent."

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