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[Citizen Y/N]- POV

Waking up in a hospital bed, slowly lifting my body up from the bed, I couldn't remember what happened yesterday... "What the hell, happened yesterday..." "Haha, sorry sweetie, I got a little carried away!" Looking around to find where the voice was, my eyes landed on a bright pink doctor, leaning on a table.

{What does he mean by that-} all the fucking memories came flooding back to me, "You..." "Yes my love?" "Y-You Fucking bitch". "Haha has anyone told you look cute when you're mad, So. Very. Cute"

The fuck is wrong with him, quickly jumping out of the bed and ignoring the wobble in my legs, I stomped my way towards the pink vested operative....

[Sorry guys 🥲👍]

Slamming Benevolent_Day on the table, with a scalpel press against his neck, despite the scalpel at his throat, Benevolent_Day still had a kind and gentle smile. "You little bitc-" "you can't do it" anger soon turned into confusion, "you know if you try to kill me you will lose the one thing that will make you human..." "What the fuck are you talking about"
"..." "What, The, fuck, did you do to me when I was asleep." Benevolent_Day just smiled "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!!" But he said nothing...

{What the fuck did he do to me when I was asleep,
What does he mean the only thing that makes me human, I should just hurry up and just slit his throat, it be the best option at the moment-}

"OW FUCKING HELL-" my sentence was cut off, by a firm hand pressed against my mouth, focusing my eyes to look at the face so close to mine, "I did say, I will fix your swearing issue, let's maybe start now love" before he could start his 'fixing' a buzzing thankfully interrupted it...
With a defeated sigh, he got off of me but still kept a firm hand on my chest, he fished out of device, and pressed a button on the side, "Hello, this is [Operative] benevolent_Day speaking". He seemed to frown at the person on the other line, "I am almost done with the..." {Why is he just looking at me...} "Yeah I'm almost done with them".

Benevolent_Day looked back at me, sigh again
"I guess the fixing, can wait another time"
"get the hell off of me"
"haha sorry love, that's probably going to hurt, but the supreme leader is intrigued by you, and something telling me, you're going to be more like us"
"The Fuck is that-"
"Sorry my love"

428 Words

The part that said "you know if you try to kill me you will lose the one thing that will make you human" it's when my friends and I, played a RP game on Roblox.
My friend Abby was trying to kill my friend Rat the whole entire time, and randomly Rat just said "if you killed me you won't be able to see your 14 children ever again" and Abby just said "I don't have any kids...." I'm just in the background just watching 🧍🏾‍♀️, and Rat just said "Not yet" it was funny when I was younger.....

[Sorry for a shorter chapter]

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