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[Citizen Y/N POV]

"WHAT THE ACTUAL [FUCK] IS [WRONG] WITH YOU!?!" I heard a feminine voice yelled at the dark gray vested operative, that I am assuming in front of them, "oh come on sweet cheeks, we were just having a [little fun]".
I felt fatal's body lift up from my own, letting a breath of relief that was only ended by a harsh kick that hit my chest, stoping me from breathing anymore.
I silently curled in on myself, as the woman let out a scoff and stepped over my crumpled up body,

As tears pricked the corners of my eye,
(I think that motherfucker broke one of my ribs-) my thoughts were cut off, as I try to breathe in but the rush of pain stopped me, the feeling of sharp needles invading my chest, as it burned like no pain I felt before... I'm flooded with pain and Dread, as I continue to try to breathe, I can feel my body slowly so light.

The lingering in my chest left me shaking on the ground, struggling to breathe, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, feeling something warm pouring out of my side, I rolled on my other side, to relieve my shoulder pain, opening my one eye that wasn't covered up by the bandage, seeing my shoulder, and immediately shut my eye,
"this hurts like a bitch on a stick" of course just my luck, my shoulder wound just reopened, as I just lay in a puddle of my own blood, I couldn't help but to realize the voice that was currently cussing out [Fatal_Day]... As I tried to open my eye, I saw a hot pink vested operative somewhat like benevolence... As I tried to put up, my arm from underneath me gave out, as I hit the ground once more...

The only thing I could do at the moment was lay on the cold ground, but... I couldn't help but to realize... I could really die here... "Damn it" I weakly mumbled out... "This is the most pathetic way to die ever...." As I finally succumb to the darkness what's more...

"Well maybe tell the [civilian] not to be such a [little bitch]," shooting my eyes open, the only thing I could do was glare at the dark gray operative, (that bitch just waited until I fell asleep to say that?) "Asshole" I weakly said with no fear evident in my voice... I could only hear the two operatives, the unknown operative started to walk to my body on the ground {still} but still facing [Fatal_Day], I immediately close my eye, pretending to still be asleep... A sympathetic voice got closer, I could just hope that maybe she won't bring me to the dreaded hospital with benevolent... "you know what... I'm not dealing with your bullshit tonight [operative] [Fatal_day]"
I felt my body lift up from the ground, by the operative that I am assuming that is "I'm going to take the civilian, to [Operative] [Benevolent_Day]"
(God dammit!!!!)

{Time skip} note to self...
I need to stop putting Incarnate_Day as a girl...

1...2.....3.......... I opened my eyes, to see a dimly lit room in a pink vested operative- anddddd that's just benevolent_day... "FUCK!" "Oh my, sweetie what did we talk about, you and your language?" The 'benevolent' doctor looked at me, as I started to get uncomfortable with his staring.
Why is he just staring at me... With those eyes... Those Eyes... As a memory stabbed into my head like, I quickly jumped from the bed and nearly crippled myself... "Ahhh fu-" "haha, my love aren't you so clumsy?" He picked me up, before I could get the ground.

Putting me back on the bed, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on my forehead, when [Benevolent_Day] leaned back, I purposely made sure he saw me wipe my forehead with my sleeve... I don't even think this bitch even noticed, "that was a bit rude sweetie" oh fuck he did notice, "but because... it's you I'm going to let it slide" this bitch,
oh fuck the question! "What the fuck did you do to my eye?"
{Oh wow, I guess Dumb Ways To Die has a part 5 now}
I really do need to know how to start conversations... Ignoring my inner thoughts, I focus on the task at hand...

Silence... God fucking dammit, the doctor just stared at me with empty cold eyes, that's their directly in my soul...
"Well sweetie, the supreme leader wanted me to-"

 "Well sweetie, the supreme leader wanted me to-"

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I think, I need to work on body proportions more...

A woman with, vibrant pink hair, shove benevolence shoulder out the way, and just looked at me... I can't help but notice that she also has a green circle, in her left eye like benevolence...

"[Operative] [benevolent_Day] I think [you] should [Exit] the [Hospital] room"

"Operative sympathetic-"

"fucking leave benevolent"

788 words

788 words

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So... Hi.....yay
Ok so I thought it would be funny make symphony_Day a bitch...
And also I'm too lazy to look at errors ▪️◾◼️🔲🔳◻️◽▫️

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