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[Operative Y/N] POV
{Four years past}
[I'm alive by the way]

"Are you alive?"
"That's good!"

(Damn)... The awkward silence was hella loud, shifting my eyes between the two.
At [Benevolent_Day], to the civilian, and looking right back at [Benevolent_Day].

The doctor had a manic, creepy, and, malevolent smile on his face (brings back memories), I shifted uncomfortably remembering what happened years ago. Me shifting made him turn to me and make that  smile softened into a kinder, a sweet, benevolent one.

Looking back at the injured civilian, I slowly inch closer, the civilian didn't seem threatened, or... didn't even notice my actions. I stood over the civilian on the ground, trying to make my voice appear softer,

"Hey... You good?"
"Well of course not... Your leg is broken..."

Oh Shit... I never been good at comforting people... Without thinking I picked up the injured civilian in my arms. (bridal style)
All of a sudden, the atmosphere seems to get freezing cold...
I could feel how the temperature dropped,
I could feel how the civilian trembles,

"OK! You're coming with me!"
I could feel how the civilian wrap their arms around my neck and brung themselves closer,

" I'm [sorry] [my] dear, [but] I'm the [Doctor] and there [supposed] to go the-"

"Congrats your a doctor! GOT TO GO!!!"

I sprinted with the civilian in my arms

_-----------------+++---Time skip---+++-----------------_

_-----------------+++---Time skip---+++-----------------_

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[How the civilian looks]

" are you?"
"Me going nearly ripped to shreds, or my day?"
"Both can do..."

The silence was loud, seeing the guy put his face in his hands, and let out a soft breath, (well this is really awkward). I cleared my mind, just try to focus on just getting to know the damn strangers name.
My thoughts were cut off by seeing the stranger let out a small yarn.

"Oh... You're tired I'm assuming?"
"Did I make it obvious...."

(Sarcastic little bitch...)

"OK SMARTASS, the bedroom is to the right...."

Seeing the stranger get up from the couch, and make his way towards the hallway, I quickly yelled out. "HEY!!!" The guy stopped walking and turned his head towards my direction, "what's your name..." Making it sound more like a demand than a question,( it's like 2:00 AM) the guy turned his head back towards the door, opening it and walking in.

"It's Michael"
then hearing the door slam shut...
"What a little fucking bitch..."

yeah I'm alive surprisingly 👍

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