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[Citizen Y/N] POV

"Ow mother, Fuckher" I said weakly, as I instinctively held my shoulder in pain, I  finally stopped walking up and down the hospital's stairs, and I sat my ass down on one of the steps, still holding my shoulder, I looked for a certain light purple vested operative but I saw no one at all...

"Where are you [Powerful_day], and your bitch ass of a friend that you call [Realistic_Day]"... I whispered out with clear irritation in my voice, putting my hand on my bandaged eye, I can't help but to wonder what the fuck [Benevolent_Day] did to me this time...

"I should probably just go" standing up with an audible grown, I slowly made my way down the rest of the stairs, until I reached the bottom, remembering what [Benevolent_Day] gave to me, I quickly fished out the little piece of paper, from my back pocket, and looking at the coordinates that benevolent wrote down for me to follow.


"Haha, now we are all done!" I try to sit up from the hospital bed, only for benevolent to gently push me down, "be careful, of your new eye, your  new eye might be a little sensitive". " W-what?" I winced at how hoarse my own voice, like god damn I need water... " Haha, the [Supreme Leader]" his smile seemed to vanish all entirely, when he started to talk about his leader... "The [Supreme Leader] wants to talk to you." Benevolent_Day walked away from the bed, I was currently resting on, and walked back to his little table filled with multiple doctor supplies?
It was nearly silent, the only thing I could hear was the scribble of pencil meeting paper,
"OK! You'll be on your way soon I just need to" his words slowly become fainter.

He leaned down, and pressed a kiss on my forehead,

Flashback over! 🧍🏾‍♀️

"Maybe next time when I'm hungry, I can just fucking starve" I said to myself, there were a few sounds coming from alleyways and a few buildings, but nothing I'm not used to, as I approach a alley,

I got yanked inside the alleyway, "WHAT THE FUC-" my head collided, with the alleyway walls, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!" My eyes try to adjust to the darker surrounding, "Haha you can't fucking recognize a [Operative] can you?" This bitch "shut the fuck up!" I couldn't see their faces, but I'm going to assume that  there is a guy......

Because I'm too lazy to write a fighting scene 👍

Blood smeared on my knuckles on my face, as I looked at the day Operative in front of me, I have a disadvantage, but somehow I beat the fuck out of him, I deserve a pound of back. "Done being in your glory?" I was snapped out of my thoughts, by a firm hand colliding against my jaw.
Stumbling back I got forcefully tackled to the ground by the operative on top of me, "you can call me [Operative] [Fatal_Day]" I could tell he was smiling as he said that. "I CAN CALL YOU A FUCKING BITCH!!" Hey if I'm going to die at least I ain't going out like no bitch! "HAHAHA that's funny coming from a fucking low life like you!"  "HEARD ABOUT TOOTHPASTE FUCKHER!?!"

[Operative Sympathetic_Day]

[Supreme Leader] [Great_Day] told me to look for a H/C E/C person with S/C but.... "WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY!!?!?" I've been walking for hours now, they could be dead in an alleyway and I won't be able to help...
Walking on an empty Street, I kept hearing muffled groans, a little laughing?
It's probably [Fatal_Day] with a [poor civilian]... Walking near the alleyway with the noise coming from it, I peaked my head from the corner to see... "FATAL WHAT THE FUCK!?"

637 words 
sorry again for the short chapter

I'm too lazy too go back and edit this... [Sorry] it's 1:26AM on a damn school night,
Let me be lazy...

I hope you stub your fucking toe, AND I hope you're eating something soft you're crunch >:[

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I hope you stub your fucking toe, AND I hope you're eating something soft you're crunch >:[

I hope you stub your fucking toe, AND I hope you're eating something soft you're crunch >:[

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Should I draw how I see the Days Union and Night Coalition characters

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Should I draw how I see the Days Union and Night Coalition characters...

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