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Hmmmm blood, cannibalistic warning ⚠️

As Powerful_Day carried me into the hospital building, Realistic_Day offered to stay outside... I quickly perked up and looked over Powerful_Day's shoulder, and point the middle finger at Realistic_Day... Well he looks pissed... "Haha fucking bitch" I mumbled. "did you say something?" "No, I said Absolutely nothing..."

As Powerful_Day stood in the empty waiting room looking around to find a certain doctor... "Mmm so thank you..." Powerful_Day stop looking around, and gave you all of his attention. "No problem" he said with a toothy smile, and a pink tent over his face.


"Oh, Hi operative Powerful_Day, what brings you here this at time-"  The pink operative, cut themselves off... and just stared... And stared, "Hmm hi-" "benevolent_Day! A civilian sadly got injured, can you help them?"
A bit irritated that I got interrupted... Looking back at the doctor...{ARE THEY FUCKING BLUSHING!?!?} "Are you-"

"Yeah of course! I would love to help them!"

{I swear to God, if I get interrupted one more time, I'm going to become the quiet kid...}

Benevolent practically, speed walked over, to where Powerful_Day and I were, and quickly grabbed me out of Powerful_Days grip, I swear I saw Powerful_Day's smile falter...butttttttt probably just me

"Ok I can wait in the lobby for yo-"

"No, operative Powerful_Day the hospital is closed!"

"Then I should probably-",

"YOU... should probably be on patrol right now!"

"But-"                                                    "No buts, bye bye!"

Seeing powerful_Day, get pushed out of the hospital... Was a little funny, 

{Powerful_Day's mine}
They looked so helpless in my arms, so so helpless, they're so perfect, and strong... They're just to die for, and to kill for, I can't wait to see them again

{A little time skip}

"Ahh- mother fuckher" I hissed in pain,"Sorry sweetie" as Benevolent_Day help treat my wounds, a bandage covered my shoulder, Benevolence_Day added alcohol to a cotton ball, and dabbed it on my cut to my legs. "Ok we're almost done, I just need a little bit of your blood," I looked at Benevolent_Day with a questionable look, "haha to make sure you're not infected, love" "oh...ok"

Benevolent_Day got up, and made their way to a table...  Benevolent came back and put down all the supplies right next to me,  and they walked off again to lock the door...

{I'm in danger am I?}

Benevolent_Day grabbed my hand, and used an alcohol strip, to disinfect my arm... After prepping my arm Benevolent_Day grabbed the needle, and slowly inserted the needle into, a visible vein...

(That's how it works right...)

After Benevolent_Day took my blood they set up, and  held my blood in a little tube, as they walked back to their table, filled with a few needles, some bottles, some scalpels, pills here and there, and... Poison? {Why the fuck, does a doctor need poison} focusing my eyes, on the doctor that's still at the table, I slowly got up from the bed,

made my way to the locked door, {like hell I'm about to figure out what the fuck, this doctor has poison} taking my eyes, off the doctor for a minutes, to focus on locked door-

A force slammed me against the door, knocking the fucking breath out of me,"get the fuck off of me..." "Oh now why would I do that love?" Their voice made Goosebumps appear on my skin, "if you don't get off of me, I will fucking beat the dog shit out of you." I said staring right at benevolent_Day's eyes "Oh is that so, but don't forget you're the one who's pressed against a door, my love." " Can you stop with the damn nicknames" "mmm no"

well damn... "You are a little bitc-" a scalpel plus against my throat, "Love, if I was you, I would watch what comes out of your pretty little mouth" "and the fuck you going to do if I don't, you little bitch"

Benevolent_Day lean his face, close to my neck and- "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I somehow pushed Benevolent_Day off of me.

Holding my neck in pain, as Benevolent wiped the blood of his lips, "wow you taste, absolutely amazing"

🤨📷 Ayo

Before I could even move a finger, they were back on top of me, but now their hands were around my throat, they started to Squeeze my throat, "You are very very beautiful/handsome, it's a shame you don't know when to shut your god damn mouth" "but I'm sure I can fix that!" The lack of air started to paint my vision black, as benevolence words slowly started to fade in the distance, "I don't need your passing out on me yet love." A rush of air filled my lungs, {thank God I could breathe again!}

Benevolent_Day leans their face closer to mine, also I try to move away with no success, they get closer I quickly that's my eyes {kind of feeling the worst.}
Feeling a pair of lips, on my forehead, I quickly open my eyes to see Benevolent_Day, red tinted face "What the fuc-" a little Sharp prick, on the side of my neck, cut me off...

"Haha oh my love you're just so perfect" once again black slowly enveloped my vision, as benevolence words slowly mixed into one another. "You just taste so good, I just can't wait to put you in a pastry." "Or to hang your heart on my wall" "How does that sound love?"

913 words

I'm too lazy to make sure there's any typing errors...
Soooo happy new year {it's so late}

And should I make Benevolent_Day, Macabre_Day, and
Unpredictable_Day as girls, or boys...

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