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[operative? Y/N POV]
{Like a few years past idk}

"[Operative] [Scary_Day]!" I said with cleared desperation, "may I take a fucking break!" I looked at the man in front of me with desperate hope in my eyes, only for the hope to immediately get crushed, by his simple, "No"

"But we have been walking for 3 hours straight!!" I shouted at the much taller operative in front of me, "and may I add, I have been running from the [Night Creatures] and [crazy] [civilians], while you just walked past them and shoot them with no fucking problem!" [Operative] Scary continued walking, I followed him and started to [complain] to myself out loud "The [Supreme] [Leader] wanted me to be a [Operative] so bad why the fuck couldn't, you, [Supreme Leader] or hell the [Emotionless] bitch, give me a damn gun!?!?!" I said with a headache slowly appearing, "it's because-" scary was cut off by, "maybe they didn't want a dumbass with a gun" I stopped following [scary] and turned around to the forgotten [Operative] [Incarnate_day]. Not noticing that's scary also stopped walking and sent [Incarnate] a sharp glare of his own towards the blue vested operative...

"[Operative] [Incarnate], we do [Not] want a, repeat of, [Yesterday]"
Incarnate inwardly curls in himself remembering what happened yesterday, "seeing a bitch throw a hissy fit, it's not on my plans tonight" he said with a smirk only making my temper go up, "and besides [Sympathetic_day], [Powerful_day], [Benevolent_day] and the [Supreme Leader] they're all will probably beat my ass-" I slammed my elbow into the center of his chest, causing him knocking the air out of him and sending him stumbling back a little, he looked at me with disbelief before anger slowly bloomed in his eyes. "You fucking bitch!" Feeling my body slam against the ground, as I feel two hands wrapped around my neck, I quickly punch the blue vested operative, as I stood up I felt my vision going dark, like what happened when I was getting chased by the [Night Creatures]... or what happened [Yesterday]

•••+-What happened yesterday-+•••

"[Realistic] you Fucking ASS HAT!" I shouted at the operative who just shot my leg, "get over it... just a [Little] leg [Injury]" he said with no emotion in his face "and beside" he continued "you're going to be an [Operative] soon, you are problem going to suffer more [Extreme] [injuries], and knowing how to [power] through them is the most [Realistic] choice"
[I'm going to add one small detail....
Everyone was there excluding the [Supreme Leader], the [Governor's Guard], and [Emotionless.]

Almost everybody has not seen what was happening in the other room, as they kept training and talking with their coworkers,
I glared at Realistic_Day, "And besides" he continued, "I don't think you would be able to become a good enough operative"...
"Why is my vision becoming black"... I mumbled as the Black dots slowly consumed my vision, the only thing I could hear was my voice that didn't quite sound like mine...

I hear a yell.
My eyes shut open and looked around in a panic to see all the [operatives] (excluding the [Supreme Leader] the [Governor's Guard] and [Emotionless])
Looking down at my hands... They were covered in, "Blood?" I silently mumbled out, the confusion practically written on my face I assumed. Looking up to see the operatives in front of me, some with soft faces, some with neutral, and a few with lovestruck eyes? I look down to see the bloodied up [operative] below me... "Oh fuck"
*I am so screwed" I said to myself. If the supreme leader finds out that I basically [Dismantle] one of their [Operatives] I'll probably get [Publicly] [Executed]...

-___________End a flashback_____________-

Feeling my body get lift up by two strong hands, I finally gained control over my body, my eyes adjusted to the dark alley only to see, [Incarnate_Day] laying on the ground with a bleeding nose, busted lip, bruises around his neck, and in a slowly forming bruise around his eye. Looking up to see who was still holding me, seeing [Scary_Day] giving [Incarnate_day] a harsh glare that made me feel awkward, "[operative] [Incarnate_day] get the [hell] out of this [facility] before I [make] you". Incarnate practically jumped up from hearing those words, and hastily and quickly made his way out of the alleyway...
The rest of the patrol was relatively the same, walking, shooting, running, small idle chit chat... The same as usual.

-______$-_-_-_-_time skip_-_-_-_-$_______-

Feeling my body relax as I sit down on a bench outside underneath a lamp post, I couldn't help but feel like I was getting watched. [Scary_Day] left 8 minutes ago because he needed to get something to eat... So in my thoughts I felt that my footsteps were approaching my area, "hmm [Training] Y/N" I look forward to locate the sound of The voice, only to land on, "what the fuck do you want?" I said with hatred wasting my tone, I don't want to do with [Incarnate] at the moment...
I could see incarnates face turn pink, slowly put away as he composed himself, "Hmm so-So I just want to say... I'm SORRY! As he finished I could basically see smoke coming from his face of how flustered he was... "Ok..."I said what a DeadPad "and for my apology, I-I got you a gift!" Pulling out a medium size gift box and placing it on my lap, I looked up with a little suspicion, one hand was still placed behind his back in the other was on his chest, I looked back at the gift and slowly started to untie it...
"Oh"... It was my very own gun...
"Thanks incarnate?" I said with slight confusion, "an-and one more gift!" He said, finally taking his hand from behind his back he forcefully put a delicious pastry in my mouth.
"HMM!!!" "I-IHOPEYOULIKEITIMADEITJUSTMYSELF" he spoke so fast I couldn't regulate what he said.... "Slow the fuck down!!" "..." "Can you repeat what you said again" he's slowly nodded his head agreeing with what I just said "I said... I hope you like it I made it just myself" he said with his face a burning red, "oh... Thank you again incarnate"...

1050 words
I fell...... It also sorry for being gone... No promises I won't do it again 😀👍 plus I'm too lazy to go over typing errors...

 No promises I won't do it again 😀👍 plus I'm too lazy to go over typing errors

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