580 19 13

(I seriously can't wait to get my hands on piers🙏 bro is gonna be the apple of my eye, my little rainbow dash that i'm gonna keep in a jar🥴 that's all a joke, i think?)

“OH! THEY'RE JUMPING ME! THEY'RE JUMPING ME!” you yelled as multiple ganados came after you, swinging their fists and weapons leaving you no choice but to duck roll and hope for the best as they tried to surround you.

Of course when you duck and rolled you somehow knocked my poor 💀 Pookie who yelped as he fell on his butt, DW guys he bounced right back up🙏

That of course was a joke, he didn't bounce, as you tried to quickly stand up before another old lady could jump on you.

Leon was quick to shoot her in the head causing her head to explode, sending blood, pieces of skin and some flesh on the floors, a bit on the walls and a smudge of blood on what little furniture was in the cabin as tentacle like limbs flew out, swinging around the place with two orangish eyes with red iris blinking profusely.

“is that a form of pink eye–”


“what– MY FUCKING EYES” you as well as the ganados were temporarily stunned due to the bright flashed that Leon set off.

Causing you to roll on the ground for a second or two before being helped up by Luis, much to a certain twinks dismay and slight jealousy.

Your hands gripped whatever you could, which just so happened to be some buns.

“At Least take me on a dat–”

Though Luis’s flirting was cut short as he saw what little he could of villagers dragging ladders through the mud towards the door, prompting him to yell for the three of you to get upstairs.

You, being well, you, stumbled for a second, kissing the stairs as you grunted before scrambling to get up to follow the two twinks.

“That fuckin’ hurt” you grunted while holding your wounded upper lip.

You licked your lip to get rid of the blood- which didn't help, making the wound bleed a little more, making your lip ache and importantly of all, your taste buds to taste the irony flavour that stained the inside of your mouth.

You touched your lip every so often when you werent shooting or sucking out of the way of someone's weapon of fist/s.

You whined about the pain, as if you haven't been through something worse than a busted lip.

As you hid behind Luis, who struggled to shoot with his pussy gun, you almost jumped out of your skin at the sound of something breaking wood down harshly, the a roar- that sounded like a war cry, caught the thereof yours attention.

Why couldn't you have joined Ashley? This was bullshit.

Completely unfair that you had to not only dodge the ganados fists and weapons but having to dodge a hammer that swang around and around, making that whooshing noise whenever a certain pole-like object swung around or was forced down a little too fast.

How lucky of you not not get your ribs completely crushed in by the metal item because if you did you'd be crying in pa–

And off Leon goes, flying until he smacks against the wall, holding the side of his man boob in pain, exactly where the weapon of question hit.

You grunted, almost like you were hit in that spot as you held your side while cringing, still laying on your stomach as you watched him groan in pain.

"Peepaw? You good, gonna be having the pad shame wak if you keep getting body slammed like that.."

As if he didn't hear you, Leon slowly got up, still grunting and holding his poor tiddy.

"Fuckin' bitch, hope you get hit again–.."

He was, infact, hit once again.

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