CH 2 page 8

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(let's kiss guys (platonically) then I'll propose(platonically ofc) then we'll get married (platonically obviously) then we can get a mortgage on a house(you pay for the mortgage) and live happily ever after🥰🙏(very platonically))

A girly shriek echoed, not from Ashley, not from Leon, button you- their wasn't even a reason as to why you had to shriek, even if there was a colossal of a man Infront of you, bending a thick piece of metal into a pretzel shape.

The three of them looked at you.

"What? We need dramatic affects?" You shrugged.

Mèndez only narrowed his eyes as he took a step closer. "Your soul must be cleansed."

"How did he know I watched porn just five minutes ago?"


"My hands are just sweaty. Trust."


How come the world liked to fuck you?

Why does it just tap and leave? Why can't it just stop and take a moment to cuddle?

Even after you ran, then having to slap a lady for grabbing Ashley it still wanted you for seconds..

You were forced down to the floor with Leon as Mèndez spoke whilst you were currently recovering, cough up a storm as you did so.

Leon was quicker to get up then you were as Ashley called out to you and him, leaning slightly over the railing.

Mèndez slowly looked up towards Ashley causing her to cower ever so slightly before he was once again distracted by Leon, who started shooting bullets at the man's clothed shoulder, the black material getting damaged with each bullet piercing through it.

The man bent down, grabbing his hat as Leon spoke- well, more or so yelled out to the female above, ordering her for her own safety.

"Ashley! Run!" He wobbled as he took a step back, closer to where you were as Mèndez began his lil speech.

He stared with an almost pigeon like look whilst you still recovered, stumbling back with Leon while rubbing your back, knowing the spot was gonna form a bad bruise.

"Is this some type of boss battle- does my ass look good in this lighting?" You asked curiously before looking towards Leon, glancing at his booty cheeks, whipping your camera out with no hesitation nor shame and snapping a picture. Ignoring what you had just done, a violation of his being Leon pushed and then kicked a red barrel towards Mèndez, the sound of liquid sloshing around on the inside of it, Leon had raised his gun and than begun shooting it, effectively exploding it once it was close enough to the giant of a man.

"Greg we're under a wooden roof with wood surroundings our fucking heads you fucking muppet." The sound of you letting out the deepest sigh as Leon looked at the place, fire now quickly and fastly spreading. "My name isn't Greg."

You gave him a side glance "shut the fuck up slut."

Though, Leon shooting a barrel filled with flammable liquid did seem to be the wrong move, not, not the whole place slowly burning down while you flipped Leon it was also now showing a more horrible sight, an exposed spine, a much bigger Mèndez- he looked like a earwig. You cringed at the sight as Leon ushered you towards the latter while shooting his exposed spine.

You gave Leon a glare as he pushed you behind him each time you went to shoot, even dragging you along to dodge with him whenever mèndez attacked. "Just stay behind me!"

"Blond men with blue eyes" you shook your head disappointedly. "I always hated prince charming from Shrek.."


"Keep shooting bitch." And he did infact, keep shooting, only stopping to reload and when Mèndez had finally collapsed after you snagged a hand grenade and threw it at the mutated man, letting it exploded and break his torso off from his lower half, no more pp😋🤞

You had thought you were out of the woods, home free- or well, free for the most part. But no! What would this game-story? be without you being fucked in the ass terribly hard? No aftercare, not even a lil snack?

He just had to start swinging around like a damn monkey, throwing on-fire wood planks at you both. Barrels of the same explosive liquid Leon used on Mèndez now used against the both of you

You quickly dove off of the wood you were on back onto ground level, you scrambled to get up as-

"Hey! Are you alright? Your not hurt are yo-"

"You are so fucking dry I hate you so much."

Did he take those words seriously? Of course he didn't, why would he? He knew that's just how you show your affection.


See? So affectionate 🥰

Though the lovey Dovey scene was cut short by a window breaking and-

"Hey, over here! Hurry." Ashley, my lil pookie bear, she had called out for the both of you, giving you both a way out.

You slowly got out in hopes of Leon being crush, as soon as you stepped out Leon had dived out of the place just as the area collapsed, redish orange flecks Buring though his clothing material causing Ashley to help him slap it off.

You only stood there, happily snapping pictures of the scrumptious sight.

"You can be a porn star Leon."


"Get a latex suit and a blue ball gag and you'd be set bbg"


This has got to count as some form of harrassment.

(I forgot how the fight with Mèndez goes yet I can't be fucked replaying re4, matter oh fact this has been sitting in my drafts for a week or so now, been to busy play rdr2 and tlou+tlou part II funny lil yeehaw men😈

I didn't run this through docs for editing so my apologies 😣)

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