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I slowly and carefully opened the backdoor of my house. Then peeped inside before entering to make sure no-one is here. Though I know noone will be awake now because its 2am now. I slowly tip toed entered inside and reached at the bottom of the stairs passing the kitchen and living room. But just as I set my foot on the first stair the lights lit up. I nearly jumped when I heard someone calling my name.

"Kim Sanha! Where are you coming back from this late?"

I might have died by now if it was mom or dad. But thankfully it's my brother. My dearest irritating older brother whom I love so much. And he loves and supports me too but not in this kind of situation though.

I turned back and smiled awkwardly. "Oppa you're still awake?"

South Korea's one of the best pharmaceutical company "Kim pharmacist's " director Mr. Kim Taehyung who is well known for his serious and strict nature is standing in front of me with his usual serious face. I can surely say he was working and just came down before I entered as he's still wearing his glasses and had a bottle of water in his hand.

He took few steps towards me and said sharply, "this is not the answer of my question sanha!"

I bowed my head down cause i know he's angry now. The awkward silence filled the room and I felt my cheeks burning in nervousness.

"Oppa I told you I had a performance tonight." I said slowly and looked at his face nervously. His face seemed to lighten up a bit.

"But I thought you said you'll come back before 12?" I saw him raising his eyebrow while asking.

Yes I said but that jerk jungkook didn't let me go so what could I even do?

"Oppa I can explain-"

"Go ahead" he said crossing his arms. Ok now I'm done for. I can't tell him about jungkook not even in my dreams! He's gonna kill us.

"I--" I'm lost of words. I tried to make something up but that didn't work. After staying quiet for 2mins I saw him sighing.

"Ok I understood you don't have to say anything. Go to your room and don't let anyone catch you with your guitar. Or else you know what will happen right?"

I nodded and let out a warm breath out. "Good night oppa" I said while turning but then stopped as I heard him saying something.

"And another thing.." I turned towards him. "Mom has set a dinner meet with uncle Kim and his family tomorrow night. So don't make any plans for tomorrow ok?"

Uncle Kim? Did he mean Kim Jeong Min? South Korea's most successful business man? And also who is our dad's childhood friend? Suddenly? But why?

"Uncle Kim? Suddenly? But why?" I asked him in confusion.

"I also don't know. Mom said she wants to tell us something but I don't know the details. Don't worry it might be some business talk or something. You don't have to worry. Go and rest now.

I nod and went upstairs straight in my room. I took off my shoes and placed my guitar in its hidden place and fell on the bed. I stared blankly at the selling as the incidents earlier in the bar came running through my mind. Just thinking about them made me angry. I turned the lights off, pulled my blanket on and closed my eyes to sleep. After struggling for like 15mins I finally fell asleep.


The irritating sound of my alarm woke me up in the morning. I want to sleep more but I've to wake up or Mrs Kim I mean mom will chop my head down. Even thinking about this gave me chills. So unwantingly I woke up and went to bathroom to get fresh.

After getting ready I came down to see dad reading newspaper as usual and mom preparing breakfast table.

"Good morning dad! Good morning mom!" I said walking towards the dining room.

"Good morning honey" both greeted back and I sat down to my usual spot. Taehyung came down in a minute and sat down beside me after greeting.

"Breakfast is ready." Just as mom says Dad fold down his newspaper and woke up. Both sat down. Mom sat opposite of me and dad sat at the center of the table. After praying we started eating.

"Sanha? How are you feeling now?" I looked in confusion at dad. What is he talking about?

I was about to say something but Taehyung interrupted me and said, "Dad she wouldn't be here if she was not feeling well."

Dad nodded slightly while chewing his food. I looked at Taehyung in confusion to understand what he's talking about.

"But seriously what happened to you yesterday? Tae said you're feeling unwell so you don't want dinner. We were really worried about you." Mom said worriedly.

Now I got it. So he lied to mom and dad about my health to save me. I thanked him in my mind and said clearing my throat, "nothing serious mom just a little headache. But I'm fine now don't worry."

"That's good cause we've dinner arrangements tonight. Do you know?"

I nodded in agreement to mom. "Yes oppa told me about it."

"Then get ready before 8. And don't forget to dress beautifully. Uncle and aunt Kim haven't met you for last 4years. They're eagerly waiting to meet you." Dad said and smiled looking at mom. I smelled something fishy but didn't care.

"Ok dad."

We finished our breakfast and went to our usual schedule. Dad and oppa went to office while mom went to meet her kitty party friends and I left for university. Oh maybe I haven't mentioned yet but I'm a last year university student. Only 4 months left for my student life and I'm really excited for it to end.

Authors note: Hello everyone it's my first story I'm writing. I hope everyone will like it. I think you've already understood that its going to be a k-pop idol fanfic. So please give a lot of love and support to this story. Next part is coming soon.

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