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My mouth fell and I looked in shock standing in the middle of a fancy boutique. I looked around and looked at the pretty dressed in awe. It's not I've never been a fancy boutique. I've plenty of beautiful dresses in my wardrobe untouched. But this is something else. Every dress here is like touched by an angel.

I have to admit this guy really have a taste in fashion.

I looked ahead when mingyu walked upto me with a employee behind him with several dresses in her hand.

"Try them and pick one." Mingyu motioned to the dresses in the employee's hand.

I looked at him in confusion with an raised brow.


Mingyu kept looking at him with a cold expression for few moments before breaking the silence, "For you to wear tomorrow? Don't tell me you forgot about the party?"

He looked at me with a raised brow.

"Surprisingly I didn't. But that clearly doesn't mean I've to buy a new dress when I've plenty of dresses at home to wear..?"

"But none of them were bought by me" he smirked and I swear I wanted to slap that smirk out from his face.

I looked at him with a bored expression. He raised an eyebrow at my expression.


I sighed rather loudly.

"Can I go home after this?"

"Hm but only after we buy a dress for you for tomorrow's party."

I nod and follow the employee to the changing room.

I changed into my first dress. It's a emerald green long sleeve dress with lots of glitters. Well it's beautiful.

(A/N:- sorry I really suck when it comes to fashion. Hope you'll understand :))

The curtains pulled off and I saw mingyu sitting on a couch in front of me. I stood in Front him and showed him the dress. He observed me for few seconds before answering.

"Next one."

I rolled my eyes and went inside to change.

It went like for another 1 hour and I might have trued at least 20 dresses but minguy said yes to none of them.

This time I wore a white dress with light deep cut and full sleeves.

I came out and stood in Front of him. He looked at me.. not stared at me with an expression I don't know how to explain. Well I can see the slight shock in his features.

"Mingyu? Down to earth?"

I moved my palms in front of his face and he got out of his stance clearing his throat.

"Ah well- um this looks fine. We'll get this."

He said to the employee and I let out a relief breath. Finally we're done.

He paid and we got out of the shop. I stretched my arms with a long breath when he came and stood beside me.

"Are you hungry?"

I almost jumped hearing him but quickly gathered myself.

"A bit."

"Let's go have something to eat."

He said looking at his watch. I didn't argue and just followed him to his car. Com'on it's free food! Who'll say no to free food right?

After our oh not so fancy meal in a 5 star restaurant mingyu dropped me at my home. I went straight to my room ignoring soobin's presence in the living room. Gosh don't he have his own home? What's he doing here all the time! I mentally rolled my eyes and opened my bedrooms door only to close it again. Cause in my room two human being is already waiting for me.

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