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"I can't marry him! I possibly can't marry him!! Not in this life though!! He is a complete jerk!! And I hate him!! Wait no.. Its not that I hate him.. I just don't like him like that. And again if I get married now I probably have to leave my music. And I can't do that!! Music is my life, my dream I can't leave it."

A heavy sigh came out as I turned my gaze out side the car window. There's only darkness outside so I can see my reflection in it as well as the person's in the driving seat.

After the dinner party aunt Kim suggested mingyu to drop me off at home. Mom and dad didn't have any problem nor anyone cared about my opinion so here I am sitting on the passenger seat beside him.

I turned my head to look at mingyu. His eyes are glued on the road as his hands are placed on the staring wheel. I looked at his facial features. Humm he is indeed handsome but.. not my type!

I let out a small breath and looked at him lazily. "Oppa..!" I said slowly.

"Hm?" He answered without looking at me. This is may be the first word he said to me in this whole time.

I sat up straight and said with a lot of hope in, "can't you cancel this Marriage by convincing our parents?"

"Why would I?" He said with a emotionless expression.

"Why won't you? It's not like you want to marry me nor do I!"

"I never said something like this."

My jaw dropped at his answer. "What? You do want to marry me?"

"I didn't said that either."

Okay now it's getting frustrating. See this is what I meant when I said he is annoying.

"You're annoying!" I stated out and looked away from him folding my arms. But he didn't even flinched a bit. After a long silence the car stopped. I looked outside to see that we've already reached at my home.

I took my bag from the backseat and said without looking at him, "Bye and thanks for the ride though it was not needed."

I heard him chuckle a bit before trying to open the door. But it didn't opened. Huh? I tried to open the door again but it was useless.

I turned to mingyu and said Annoyingly, "Open the door!" But he didn't care. I frowned at his reaction.

He slowly turned his head towards me and said calmly, "Why are you against this Marriage?"

No what? Is he being serious now? I looked steadily at him without any movement. But the next line from him shocked me.

"Have you done something secretly without anyone knowing and that's why you're against it?"

I slowly bowed my head down at the question. It's not that I did something bad or admitted any crime. But I true I did something secretly which I can't tell him or my parents.

The silence is getting heavy with the time being. It surely making him more suspicious of me and I can't let that happen!

I shoved my eyes at him and stare sharply. "I don't know what are you saying about nor I care. But it's true that I'm against it and I won't marry you at any cost. So it'd be better if you step back from this Marriage before I do something unexpected."

Was it too harsh? Not really! I'm being honest here.

I was looking straight in his eyes as he had an unreadable expression on his face. His hands slowly moved as he unlocked his seat belt and moved closer to me.

His actions shocked me. I slowly moved backwards on my seat. He moved more close to me. There was no space left behind me as I hit the car window. His face is inches close to me. I was quite nervous being this close of him but tried not to show that in front of him. I looked straight in his eyes with a annoying look.

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