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Ok It's awkward. It's getting too awkward.

Right now we're sitting on the dinner table at our home. And as you know mingyu is here with his family as well as seongcheol oppa and his parents with sohee and jimin oppa too.

And of course with God's extreme love for me and because of my excellent fate I'm again sitting right across of mingyu.

After all the greetings and little chit chats everyone is now focused on eating and talking with each other.

I'm sitting between sohee and soobin. Isn't it great? My two excellent besties are sitting beside me wow! Though sohee is busy flirting with my oppa seongcheol oppa while soobin is busy mocking her.

No-one's paying attention to me! A heavy little sigh came out my mouth and looked up straight making eye contact with mingyu. Umm well he was looking at me so..

We both looked away as it became more awkward.

Before it gets more awkward I concentrated on food and finished it quickly.

After dinner our parents sat in the living room for who-knows discussion. And we were told to hang around the house and also show mingyu our house.

And that's when my two Lovely besties ditched me and quickly ran away I don't know where with seongcheol and tae and jimin oppa leaving me alone with mingyu to show around.

Wahh! What Lovely BESTIES I have !!

So now me and mingyu are walking down the corridor on the second floor. It's awkwardly silent between Us.

"Right at the end that's oppa's room. Besides that there's two guest rooms."

I pointed my finger towards the rooms closed doors. Mingyu looked at me surprised, "Two guest rooms?"

"Ah my mistake. Actually one of them is for soobin and seongcheol oppa cause they often sleep over here. We actually have another room downstairs beside kitchen too." I explained in small but understandable words.

"Oh!" Was just his response.

I turned and waved my hand towards another door, "And finally that's my room."

Mingyu stared at the door for quite few seconds before opening his mouth, "Won't invite me in?"

I was taken aback from his statement. Like who the fuck invites themselves like this in a girls room?

I rolled my eyes at him and twisted the door knob to open, "Sure, come in !!"

I opened the door and moved aside to let him enter. I step in after him. He analysed the room right standing at the door before walking in and exploring around.

"You're into music huh?" He said looking at the posters of Coldplay, The Weekend, Exo and other my fav artists which are pasted on the wall.

I answered hesitantly, "Just interested."

Lie! A white lie! I'm not interested in music! Music is my life!

I cleared my throat and let out a little breath before starting, "Oppa.."

Mingyu stopped and slowly turned to me. It's maybe my first time in a while calling him oppa. His not so clear expression shows how shocked he is.

I averted my gaze towards anything but him blinking fast with my nerve taking fast heartbeat. I'm Not sure but his gaze is making my heart race.

"I--" my voice came out like a whisper. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before totally Turing to him. "I don't want to roam around so just let me be clear with you.." I took another deep breath and said at once, "Why did you agreed for this Marriage?"

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