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The party was getting crowded by every minute. Mingyu was talking with some buisness men and I was getting bored.

I grabbed another cookie and took a bite. But before I can swallow a hard slap fell on my back making me choke on the cookie.

But before I realise what was happening mingyu was already on his knees in front of me with a glass of water and a worried face.

I took the glass and gulped down the water coughing lightly.

"Are you alright?" Mingyu asked worriedly.

I nod and put the glass down. He stared at me for few seconds to see if I'm really fine or not then he stood up and looked behind me.

I turned and saw sohee standing smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry sorry I didn't mean to choke you.."

"Gurll you almost killed me!"

Sohee rolled her eyes and took the seat beside me.

"You guys talk I'll be around. Call me if you need anything"

I nod at mingyu and he left to talk with others.

I sighed and turned to sohee only to see her smirking at me.

"What? And why didn't you tell me you're coming too when I requested to come along?" I raised a brow at her.

"I didn't knew I'll be coming here till this morning. And also I didn't know you're invited HERE!"

We both stared at each other for few seconds before I broke the eye contact and turned to the front.


I took a sip of my juice and relaxed in my seat. Sohee suddenly jumped on her seat and turned me to her by my shoulders.

"Well you look fabulous girl! I'm falling for you again"

She said the last line dreamily and I smirked.

"Not as much as you darling. You're stunning. Tryna tempt me huh?"

I replied in a flirty tone and she sighed.

"I wish I could. But your man will kill me if I try to!"

I raised a brow at her and she motioned forward. I turned and met mingyu's gaze. Our eyes locked for a moment before I turned away to sohee.

"Stop calling him my man or I'll kick your ass"

"Try me"

She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"So what are you doing here?"

She turned to me excitedly and smiled crazily before grabbing my shoulders and turned me to her.

"I forgot I have a BIG news for you!"

"Are you dating someone?"

"No. Bigger than that. I'm starring on the new drama of CHA EUNWOO opposite him!!"

It took me few moments to register what she said. But then my eyes widened and mouth fell in shock.

"No way! Seriously?"

Sohee nod vigorously and I almost jumped on my seat.

"OH MY GOD!! Congrats girl! I'm too happy for you! Ahhhh"

We both hugged tightly. I'm genuinely happy for her. Afterall she got a chance to act with her fav celebrity crush.

I know she's been waiting for this day for forever. Even Eunwoo is one of the biggest reason why she got into this showbiz world hoping to work with him one day.

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